Project Detail
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Project Overview
Project Name: ES: 18300 - 18308 Cabin Road / Watershed: Quantico Creek
Project Type: Capital Improvement Project
Project Description: (Cabin Road/Graham Park Erosion Problem) Public Works will investigate the erosion problem along a stream channel between the Graham Park Meadows subdivision and Cabin Road.
Project Manager: Charles B. Williamson     send an email
Alternate Manager: Mark Colwell     
Agency Name: Department of Public Works - Environmental Services QPR?: Yes
Magisterial District: Potomac
Original Budget: $150,000.00

Revised Budget:

Original Start Date: 9/1/1993

Revised Start Date:

Original End Date: 7/1/2007

Revised End Date:

Last Updated On: 11/14/2008 Maps  Pictures  Documents

Funding Source    


Budget Amount
Budget Amount
Funding Date

1. Storm Water Management Fund

$150,000.00 $300,000.00
Total Amount: $150,000.00 $300,000.00

Tasks/Milestones     Show GANTT Chart
Task/MileStone Start Date
Original Revised
End Date
Original Revised
1. Survey 9/1/1993 6/1/2003 9/30/1993 3/31/2006    
2. Design 9/30/1993 2/1/2007 10/31/1993 4/1/2007    
3. Construction (After plans are completed and reviewed by DEQ, the Start Date and End Date will be revised as appropriate.) 7/1/2006 10/15/2007 7/1/2007 7/1/2008    

Comments/Issues     Show All Issues

1. Service/Policy Issues   



10/15/2007Ownership of 18300 Cabin Road (Smith property) has changed. Need to obtain Right of Entry Agreement from the new owners. meeting is scheduled 11/5/07.

2. Schedule/Timing Issues     



8/14/2007A request for proposals for Filtrexx type stabilization materials and services has been issued and are due by 9/15/07. These materials are specified for the project as designed.

3. Fiscal/Resource Issues     



8/14/2007Funding needed for the project is now estimated at $225K - $255K. Watershed is attempting to secure funds for this project through various sources including proffers, cip, and deferred revenue

4. Impact on Other Projects     


