Cooperative Contracts Utilized by Prince William County

Contracts being utilized by county that were competitively awarded by other public entities.

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Vendor NameContract NumberCooperative Contract NumberInitiating LocalityDescriptionExpiration DateContact NamePhoneAgreement TypeAttachment
JPMorgan Chase Bank NA50043504400007090County of Fairfax, VirginiaReplaces 14103EA3 Procurement Card Services08/14/2026Jessica Riggins757-7773808CONTRACT

■ PDF_5004350_10_2020-06-24_11_3A27_3A01_Amendment_3_pdf.pdf
■ PDF_5004350_6_2020-06-24_11_3A26_3A26_Addendum_2_pdf.pdf
■ PDF_5004350_7_2020-06-24_11_3A26_3A35_Addendum_3_pdf.pdf
■ PDF_5004350_8_2020-06-24_11_3A26_3A44_Amendment_1_pdf.pdf
■ PDF_5004350_9_2020-06-24_11_3A26_3A53_Amendment_2_pdf.pdf
■ PDF_5004350_3_COI.pdf
■ PDF_5004350_2_PWC_Contract_5003589.pdf
■ PDF_5004350_1_4400007090.pdf
■ JP Morgan 2023 renewal.pdf
■ PDF_5004350_12_Amendment_4_.pdf
■ PDF_5004350_11_2020-06-24_11_3A27_3A28_RFP_pdf.pdf
■ Amendment No. 6.pdf
■ PDF_5004350_10_.pdf
■ PDF_5004350_4_2020-06-24_11_3A25_3A23_Notice_of_Award_pdf.pdf
■ Amendment No. 5.pdf
■ PDF_5004350_5_2020-06-24_11_3A26_3A14_Addendum_1_pdf.pdf

Cdw Government INC50091754400006325Fairfax County GovernmentIT Hardware, Software & Services12/04/2025Bid Department800-8084239CONTRACT

■ CAD (ID 12709).pdf
■ Contract and Amd 1-5 (ID 12706).pdf
■ RFP (ID 12708).pdf
■ Amendment 6 (ID 15084).pdf
■ NOA (ID 12707).pdf

Demco Inc5010902LVA-SUP-21-004Mid-Atlantic Library Alliance (MALIA)Library Supplies06/30/2025Kim Satterlee800-462-8709CONTRACT

■ Renewal 1.pdf
■ C7A084 Discount Pricing 2021-24.pdf
■ MALiA Demco-Supplies-Contract-2021-2024.pdf

Propio Language Services LLC5011920R-SF-20015-04PWC Public SchoolsTelephonic Interpretation06/30/2025Cindy Mays913-6866584BLANKET

■ PDF_5011920_3_CAD_-_ADC.pdf
■ Propio Pricing 6.2025.pdf
■ PDF_5011920_4_Renewal_1_of_5.pdf
■ PDF_5011920_5_Renewal_2020.pdf
■ PDF_5011920_2_CAD_Other_for_DSS.pdf
■ PDF_5011920_10_.pdf

Microsoft Corporation5014449VA-160304-MCSCommonwealth of Virginia, Virginia Information Technologies Agency (VITA)Microsoft Consulting.03/04/2028Michelle Angeles425-4217601CONTRACT

■ PDF_5014449_3_Renewal_3-1-21_png.pdf
■ PDF_5014449_1_Signed_Contract.pdf
■ PDF_5014449_10_.pdf
■ PDF_5014449_2_DoIT_CAD.pdf

AT&T Mobility50217054400011956Fairfax CountyTelecommunications Services: Wireless Digital & Data Services, Associated Services/Equipment06/30/2025Asif Iqbal703-4746025CONTRACT

■ PDF_5021705_3_RFP.pdf
■ PDF_5021705_2_Acceptance_Agreement.pdf
■ Amendment 16 (ID 14270).pdf
■ PDF_5021705_5_Amendments_1_-_11.pdf
■ CAD_ATT_Contract 4400011956_Fairfax County Public Schools (ID 14273).pdf
■ Amendment 12 (ID 8197).pdf
■ Revised Notice of Award (ID 14272).pdf
■ PDF_5021705_1_Notice_of_Award.pdf
■ Amendment 14 (ID 12066).pdf
■ Amendment 15 (ID 14271).pdf
■ Amendment 13 (ID 8196).pdf

Laboratory Corporation Of America Holdings5024283E194-212Commonwealth of Virginia Department of General ServicesClinical Reference Laboratory Testing Services; Coop Contract #E194-21208/26/2025Glenda Brown336-4367577CONTRACT

■ PDF_5024283_9_Lab_Corp_Renew.pdf
■ PDF_5024283_4_Price_List.pdf
■ PDF_5024283_3_Intent_to_Award.pdf
■ PDF_5024283_5_RFP.pdf
■ PDF_5024283_1_Acceptance_Agreement.pdf
■ PDF_5024283_2_Contract_Summary.pdf
■ CTR005727_-_Lab_Corp_Holdings_-_Contract_Modification__6-Executed.pdf
■ PDF_5024283_8_Lab_Corp_Price_List_2019.pdf
■ Conract Summary E194-212 2023.pdf

Home Depot USAInc502457716154-RFPMaricopa County, AZ (Omnia)Maintenance, Repair, and Operating Products and Services12/31/2026Mitzi Markland800-4941946CONTRACT

■ PDF_5024577_1_Contract.pdf
■ 16154_HomeDepot_AM1.pdf

Playcore Wisconsin INC DBA Gametime50273542017001134Omnia PartnersPlayground & Outdoor Fitness Equipment, Site Accessories, Surfacing and Related Products & Services - riding US Communities contract06/30/2026  CONTRACT

■ PDF_5027354_6_CA_form.pdf
■ PDF_5027354_2_Addendum_3.pdf
■ PDF_5027354_10_.pdf
■ PDF_5027354_3_Addendum_2.pdf
■ Gametime_contract_2017001134_103017.pdf
■ PDF_5027354_1_Contract_2017001134.pdf
■ PDF_5027354_5_RFP269-2017-028_Playground_Equipment.pdf
■ PDF_5027354_4_Addendum_1.pdf

Graybar Electric Co5030337EV2370City of Kansas City, MissouriElectrical, Lighting, Data Communications and Security Products and Related Products, Services and Solutions01/31/2029Agustina Valor703-8691186CONTRACT

■ City_of_Kansas_City_OMNIA_Partners_Public_Contract_EV2370_Extension.pdf
■ Graybar_City_of_KC_Contract_EV2370_Renewal_2.1.2023_to_1.31.2025 (ID 10070).pdf

Propio Language Services LLC5031255CTR005882Commonwealth of VirginiaInterpretation and Translation Services04/30/2025Cindy Mays913-686-6584BLANKET

■ Mod 10.pdf
■ Contract_Propio (ID 3471).pdf
■ E194-76604 Extension Backup.png
■ CAD Propio_063025.pdf
■ PDF_5031255_10_.pdf

US Foods, Inc.503397442356North Carolina State UniversityFood Distribution and Associated Services06/30/2027Jeremy Kolmer800-2530277CONTRACT

■ PDF_5033974_10_.pdf
■ PDF_5033974_1_Contract.pdf
■ 42356_Premier_USFoods_REN_2023_2_01 (ID 12137).pdf

Cas Severn INC50347274400006324County of Fairfax, VirginiaIT Hardware, Software & Related Services12/04/2025Mark Belluz914-2635865CONTRACT

■ PDF_5034727_7_Amendment_3.pdf
■ 4400006324_Amendment 6.pdf
■ PDF_5034727_4_Notice_of_Award.pdf
■ PDF_5034727_5_Contract.pdf
■ PDF_5034727_10_.pdf
■ Amendment 7 (ID 15085).pdf
■ PDF_5034727_3_Solicitation.pdf
■ CAD_CAS SEVERN_Contract 4400006324_Fairfax County.pdf
■ Amendment 5 (ID 1208).pdf
■ PDF_5034727_2_Amendment_2.pdf
■ PDF_5034727_6_CAD.pdf
■ PDF_5034727_1_Amendment_1.pdf

Networking For Future INC50351474400008572Fairfax County Public SchoolsIT Network Technical Consulting06/30/2025Jimmy Dang-CONTRACT

■ Amendment 5 (ID 13893).pdf
■ PDF_5035147_10_.pdf
■ PDF_5035147_3_Addendum_2.pdf
■ PDF_5035147_1_Notice_of_Award.pdf
■ PDF_5035147_2_Addendum_3.pdf
■ Amendment 4 (ID 12068).pdf
■ PDF_5035147_6_Contract.pdf
■ PDF_5035147_5_Solicitation.pdf
■ PDF_5035147_4_Addendum_1.pdf

Redwood Toxicology Laboratory INC5038129#011222-RTLNJPAToxicology Laboratory Services and Related Supplies; Coop Contract #032118-RTL02/15/2026Rachel Riddel707-5777958BLANKET

■ Redwood Contract 011222.pdf
■ PDF_5038129_4_Contract_Acceptance_and_Award.pdf
■ PDF_5038129_5_NJPA_MN_Master_Contract_Price_Schedule.pdf
■ Sourcewell_Pricing_September_2024_Updates_09-06-2024.pdf
■ PDF_5038129_3_Special_Pricing.pdf
■ PDF_5038129_1_CAD_-_ADC.pdf
■ PDF_5038129_10_.pdf

Safeware Inc50383624400008468Fairfax County/U.S. CommunitiesPublic Safety and Emergency Preparedness Equipment and Related Services, Coop Contract #440000846809/30/2028Jeannette Roscoe800-3316707CONTRACT

■ Amendment 2.pdf
■ PDF_5038362_8_Notice_of_Award.pdf
■ PDF_5038362_7_CAD_-_Police.pdf
■ PDF_5038362_9_CAD_-_DoIT.pdf
■ PDF_5038362_10_.pdf

Software House International INC5041989VA-180917-SHIVITACommercial Off the Shelf (COTS) Software04/30/2025Brian Monticue703-488-8019CONTRACT

■ Modification 2 (ID 12377).PDF
■ PDF_5041989_2_VA-180917-SHI_Pricing.pdf
■ PDF_5041989_5_Mod_1.pdf
■ PDF_5041989_10_.pdf
■ Prince William County Government (1).PDF
■ PDF_5041989_3_VITA_Contract.pdf

Carahsoft Technology Corporation5042883NASPO AR2472NASPOCarahsoft NASPO Cloud contrac09/15/2026Jack Dixon703-8718500CONTRACT

■ PDF_5042883_8_CAD.pdf
■ Prince William County Government COI - GL (3).pdf
■ Prince William County Government COI - WC (3).Pdf
■ PDF_5042883_6_Carahsoft_NASPO_AR2472_Reseller_List_7-19-2019.pdf
■ PDF_5042883_4_Amendment_9.pdf
■ PDF_5042883_10_.pdf
■ PDF_5042883_3_Amendment_8.pdf

Bureau Veritas National Elevator Inspection Services5045147RFQ 687Loudoun County, VirginiaElevator Inspection and Plan Review Services11/30/2025Kathy Allen800-8866347BLANKET

■ PDF_5045147_3_Executed_Contract.pdf
■ Amend #2 Assignment Renewal - Executed RFQ687B BVNEIS.pdf
■ Executed_RFQ 687C BV Amend 4.pdf
■ PDF_5045147_4_Extend_to_2021.pdf
■ PDF_5045147_2_Notice_of_Award.pdf
■ Executed RFQ 687A - Amend 1.pdf
■ PDF_5045147_1_RFP.pdf
■ Executed RFQ 687B BVNEIS Amend #3.pdf

All A Board INC50457674400010023Fairfax Countymetal furniture10/31/2025Andy Barth804-6520020CONTRACT

■ PDF_5045767_2_Acceptance_Agreement.pdf
■ PDF_5045767_4_Extension_document.pdf
■ PDF_5045767_3_Amendment_3.pdf
■ PDF_5045767_6_New_Acceptance_Agreement.pdf
■ PDF_5045767_1_Notice_of_Award.pdf
■ PDF_5045767_5_New_Contract.pdf
■ PDF_5045767_10_.pdf

Dlt Solutions LLC5045775AR2480State of Utah/NASPOCloud Solutions09/15/2026Nicole Brotherton703-7089605CONTRACT

■ PDF_5045775_10_.pdf
■ PDF_5045775_2_CAD.pdf
■ PDF_5045775_3_Participating_Addendum.pdf

Carahsoft Technology Corporation50477674400006323County of FairfaxIT Hardware, Software, and Related Services12/04/2025Jack Dixon703-8718500CONTRACT

■ CAD_Carahsoft _Contract 4400006323_Fairfax County.pdf
■ Amendments 1-17.pdf
■ PDF_5047767_3_Pre-proposal_Conference.pdf
■ Amendment 23-24 (ID 15086).pdf
■ PDF_5047767_9_CAD.pdf
■ PDF_5047767_1_Acceptance_Agreement.pdf
■ Prince William County Government COI - GL (1).pdf
■ PDF_5047767_10_.pdf
■ PDF_5047767_2_Notice_to_Award.pdf
■ Prince William County Government COI - WC (1).Pdf
■ Amendment 25.pdf

Nycom INC5048741UVA1906999The Rector and Visitors of the University of VirginiaLaboratory Casework, Fume Hoods & Accessories10/22/2027Vicki Sykes804-7943044CONTRACT

■ PDF_5048741_2_Contract_Doc.pdf
■ PDF_5048741_1_CAD.pdf
■ PDF_5048741_10_.pdf
■ Amendment 002.pdf
■ Agreement_FM032917_Nycom_Inc.pdf

T-Mobile USA Inc.50488594400006678Fairfax County, VirginiaTelecommunications Services: Wireless Digital and Data Services, Associated Services/Equipment (Fairfax County)06/30/2025David Bourne240-4225042CONTRACT

■ Amendment 4 (ID 12134).pdf
■ Amendment 5.pdf
■ PDF_5048859_2_RFP.pdf
■ PDF_5048859_10_.pdf
■ PDF_5048859_4_Extend_to_2022.pdf
■ Cooperative 400006678.pdf
■ PDF_5048859_1_Contract.pdf

Brinks INC5049546CTR005914 Formerly E194-78602Commonwealth of VirginiaArmored Car, Security Products and Services [Commonwealth of Virginia Contract]12/31/2025Natasha Redding805-3350363CONTRACT

■ Brinks_Contract Modification 7 .pdf
■ Brink_s_Contract_Extended_until_12-31-2024_Modification__6.pdf
■ PDF_5049546_7_COI_2021.pdf
■ PDF_5049546_13_CSB_and_DSS_Pricing.pdf
■ PDF_5049546_2_Service_Request_Form.pdf
■ Re_ Brinks E194-78602.pdf
■ Brinks October price Increase.pdf
■ PDF_5049546_11_Waiver_-_not_using_eVA.pdf
■ PDF_5049546_9_2021_renewal_and_price_change.pdf
■ Brinks extend to 2022.pdf
■ PDF_5049546_8_2021_Renewal.pdf
■ PDF_5049546_10_PWC_Pricing_Aug_2019.pdf
■ PDF_5049546_3_Novation_Letter_Dunbar_to_Brinks.pdf
■ PDF_5049546_10_.pdf
■ PDF_5049546_1_Contract_Summary.pdf
■ PDF_5049546_12_Fees_and_Charges.pdf
■ PDF_5049546_4_Contract.pdf
■ PDF_5049546_5_Holidays.pdf

Hewlett Packard Enterprise5050842VA-190822-HPVITAComputer Hardware, Personal Computer Devices, Peripherals, and Servers02/28/2025Karen Heiser800-3861115CONTRACT

■ PDF_5050842_2_EXHIBIT_B-_PRICING.pdf
■ PDF_5050842_6_Scope.pdf
■ PDF_5050842_5_Atachement_3.pdf
■ COI VITA 2024-2025.pdf
■ PDF_5050842_10_.pdf
■ 2023 RENEWAL NOTICE (ID 12314).PDF
■ 2022 RENEWAL NOTICE (ID 9203).pdf
■ VA-190822-HP MODIFICATION 02 (ID 14906).pdf
■ PDF_5050842_4_Atachement_2.pdf
■ PDF_5050842_3_Atachement_1.pdf

Southern Refrigeration Corp5051076UCPUMW 18-703University of Mary WashingtonHVAC Supplies09/06/2025Matt Pugh703-3302444CONTRACT

■ Renewal 9.6.23.PDF
■ Renewal 9.6.24.PDF
■ HVAC IFB UCPUMW 18-703.pdf
■ SRC USA PROPOSAL IFB 18-703 (signed contract).pdf
■ Renewal 9.6.22.pdf
■ PDF_5051076_3_Notice_of_Award.pdf
■ Renewal 9.6.25.PDF
■ Renewal 9.6.21.pdf
■ PDF_5051076_2_Renewal.pdf

Software House International INC5053614VA-200114-SHIVITA Statewide ContractStatewide Microsoft Licensing Solution Provider (LSP)01/13/2026Brian Monticue703-488-8019CONTRACT

■ PDF_5053614_4_EXHIBIT_C.pdf
■ PDF_5053614_7_EXHIBIT_H.pdf
■ PDF_5053614_5_EXHIBIT_D.pdf
■ PDF_5053614_1_Scope_of_Work.pdf
■ PDF_5053614_9_CAD.pdf
■ PDF_5053614_6_EXHIBIT_F.pdf
■ 2025 renewal (ID 16238).PNG
■ Prince William County Government.PDF
■ PDF_5053614_3_EXHIBIT_B.pdf
■ PDF_5053614_8_VA-200114-SHI.pdf
■ PDF_5053614_2_EXHIBIT_A.pdf
■ PDF_5053614_10_.pdf
■ 2023 RENEWAL LETTER (ID 13033).pdf

Xerox Corp5054458VA-191121-XERXVITAPrint Devices and Managed Print Services VITA Xerox Contract11/20/2025Albert Ford703-656-2801CONTRACT

■ PDF_5054458_10_.pdf
■ VA-191121-XERX MOD 3.PDF
■ PDF_5054458_4__EXHIBIT_C_SOW.pdf
■ PDF_5054458_3_EXHIBIT_B.pdf
■ PDF_5054458_9_VA-191121-XERX.pdf
■ PDF_5054458_5_EXHIBIT_D_.pdf
■ PDF_5054458_6_EXHIBIT_E__.pdf
■ PDF_5054458_1_A-SCOPE_.pdf
■ PDF_5054458_8_EXHIBIT_H_.pdf
■ PDF_5054458_7_EXHIBIT_G.pdf

Canon Solutions America INC5055551VA-191121-CSAVITAPrint Devices and Managed Print Services (VITA)11/20/2025Tracey Mcgovern571-4199536CONTRACT

■ PDF_5055551_3_Exhibit_E_-_Awarded_Categories.pdf
■ PDF_5055551_4_A-SCOPE.pdf
■ PDF_5055551_1_VA-191121-CSA.pdf
■ PDF_5055551_5_Signed_Dept_Rider_Request.pdf
■ VA-191121-CSA MOD 2.PDF
■ VA-191121 Renewal Notice 2024.pdf
■ PDF_5055551_9_Exhibit_D_-_SOW_Change_Order.pdf
■ PDF_5055551_8_Exhibit_C_-_SOW.pdf
■ PDF_5055551_7_Exhibit_A_-_Requirements.pdf
■ PDF_5055551_6_Signed_CAD.pdf
■ PDF_5055551_2_Exhibit_B_-__Pricing.pdf
■ PDF_5055551_10_Exhibit_H_-_Sub_Contracting_Plan.pdf
■ PDF_5055551_10_.pdf

Temporary Solutions INC5056007BPO 13-05735/1109City of AlexandriaTemporary Staffing Services.08/25/2025Gala Johnson703-3612220CONTRACT

■ Contract Modification 007 - Contract No. 1109 09.01.2023 to 08.31.2024.pdf
■ C-COA.22-Contract Modification 006 (002).pdf
■ Contract 1109 - Mod005 executed.pdf
■ City of Alexandria Rates..pdf
■ PDF_5056007_4_Mod_1.pdf
■ PDF_5056007_5_Rates_.pdf
■ City of Alexandria Contract Modification 008 09.01.2024 to 08.31.2025.pdf
■ PDF_5056007_2_RFP_00000173.pdf

Thundercat Technology LLC5056265UVA-AGA-IT-00171-ThundercatUniversity of VirginiaTechnology Value-Added Resellers12/31/2025Jean Kim703-6740216CONTRACT

■ PDF_5056265_10_.pdf
■ PDF_5056265_2_Acceptance_Agreement.pdf
■ PDF_5056265_3_CAD.pdf
■ PDF_5056265_1_RFP-UVA-00011-MW082019.pdf
■ COI for 2024-2025 - Prince Wiliam County School Board.pdf

Thundercat Technology LLC5056302VA-180917-TCTLVITA Statewide ContractCOTS Software04/30/2025Jean Kim703-6740216CONTRACT

■ PDF_5056302_6_2021_Pricing.pdf
■ CAD Form Thundercat 2023.pdf
■ PDF_5056302_10_.pdf
■ PDF_5056302_3_PRICING.pdf
■ PDF_5056302_5_2021_Renewal.pdf
■ COI for 2024-2025 - Prince Wiliam County School Board (1).pdf
■ PDF_5056302_2_SCOPE.pdf

Azur Cart & Captioning5056558r-ks-20016Prince William County SchoolsCaptioning Services Riding PWCS contract #MA 041-R-KS-2001606/30/2025Jodie Casal813-8020773CONTRACT

■ PDF_5056558_1_Captioning_Services_-_Solicitation_pdf.pdf
■ PDF_5056558_4__Notice_of_Award_-_R-KS-20016_-_Captioning_Services_pdf.pdf
■ PDF_5056558_2_Addendum_1_-_UIFB_-_R-KS-20016_-_Captioning_Services_pdf.pdf
■ PDF_5056558_3_Pricing_R-KS-20016.pdf
■ PDF_5056558_10_.pdf

Zelos LLC50566884400009741Fairfax County GovernmentOrganization Development, Training & Coaching02/28/2025Stacia Aylward703-8287831CONTRACT

■ PDF_5056688_1_RFP_20000002960.pdf
■ PDF_5056688_4_Acceptance_Agreement.pdf
■ PDF_5056688_3_Addendum_1.pdf
■ PDF_5056688_10_.pdf
■ PDF_5056688_2_Notice_of_Award.pdf

Gartner Group INC5058413VA-180315-GARGVITAIT Research and Advisory Services (Cooperative Agreement)03/13/2025Joey Coughenour203-9640096CONTRACT

■ PDF_5058413_3_Acceptance_Agreement.pdf
■ PDF_5058413_7_Contract_Renewal_3-13-21.pdf
■ PDF_5058413_2_Scope.pdf
■ 2023 RENEWAL NOTICE (ID 10395).PDF
■ PDF_5058413_10_.pdf
■ PDF_5058413_5_Mod_4.pdf
■ PDF_5058413_6_Mod_5.pdf
■ PDF_5058413_4_Mod_3.pdf

Teknion LLC5059251R191816Region 4 ESC / OMNIA partnersFurniture, Installation, and Related Services (Cooperative)04/30/2025Bill Richards202-2468582CONTRACT

■ PDF_5059251_3_Recommendation_to_Award.pdf
■ PDF_5059251_2_Executive_Summary_Teknion.pdf
■ PDF_5059251_7_Contract_Comparisons_Old_Omnia_vs_New_Omnia.pdf
■ R191816_Teknion_RL2.pdf
■ R191816_Teknion_RL1_2022.10.31.pdf
■ PDF_5059251_6_AZ_Compliance_Questionnaire_MultiAward.pdf
■ PDF_5059251_1_Contract.pdf
■ PDF_5059251_5_Cutsheet.pdf

AmazonCom Corporate Credit5059385R-TC-17006PWCSOn-line Marketplace for purchase of Products and Services (PWCS Rider)01/18/2026Amazon.Com Credit866-3438661CONTRACT

■ PDF_5059385_3_Contract_R-TC-17006_.pdf
■ PDF_5059385_5_R-TC-17006_-_Amazon_-_On-Line_Marketplace_pdf.pdf
■ PWCS_Amazon_--_Contract_Renewal_1_--_Dec._2021 (1).pdf
■ Renewal No. 2.pdf
■ PDF_5059385_1_Addendum_1.pdf
■ PDF_5059385_4_Online_Marketplace_.pdf
■ PDF_5059385_10_.pdf
■ PDF_5059385_2_Amazon_Response_.pdf

Insight Public Sector Inc5059420VA-190822-PCMGVITAComputer Hardware, Personal Computer Devices, Peripherals, and Servers (Cooperative Agreement)02/28/2025Team Crigler800-4674448CONTRACT

■ Prince William County, VA_2801206_Insight Enterprises, Inc (1) (1).pdf
■ 2022 RENEWAL NOTICE (ID 9205).pdf
■ PDF_5059420_3_SCOPE.pdf
■ PDF_5059420_8_PCMG-PRICING-HPE.pdf
■ VA-190822-PCMG MODIFICATION 01 (ID 14907).pdf
■ PDF_5059420_7_PCMG-PRICING-HPINC.pdf
■ PDF_5059420_14_Contract.pdf
■ PDF_5059420_9_PCMG-PRICING-DELL.pdf
■ PDF_5059420_11_EXHIBIT_I-SLA.pdf
■ PDF_5059420_10_.pdf

GovernmentjobsCom50598174400004240Fairfax County GovernmentNon-Core HCM Software Applications10/31/2026Mark Fordham310-4266304CONTRACT

■ PDF_5059817_9_Amendment_4.pdf
■ PDF_5059817_1_RFP.pdf
■ PDF_5059817_3_Acceptance_Agreement_pdf.pdf
■ PDF_5059817_10_.pdf
■ PDF_5059817_7_Amendment_2_.pdf
■ PDF_5059817_5_Addendum_2_.pdf
■ PDF_5059817_8_Amendment_3_.pdf
■ Amendment No. 6.pdf
■ PDF_5059817_2_NOA.pdf
■ PDF_5059817_4_Addendum_1.pdf
■ PDF_5059817_6_Amendment_1_.pdf

Laerdal Medical Corporation5060101E-194-76166STATE CONTRACTManikin Devices06/30/2025Sara Perpetua845-2966795CONTRACT

■ PDF_5060101_10_.pdf
■ Contract Summary E194-99418.docx
■ CTR005820_-_Laerdal_Medical_Corp_-_Modification_01_-_Fully_Executed.pdf
■ PDF_5060101_3_Rider_Request_form.pdf
■ PDF_5060101_2_Contract_Summary.pdf
■ PDF_5060101_1_Contract.pdf

Kimball Office INC50603692019.001896University of California, Office of the President (UC)Office Furniture and Related Services04/30/2025Stacy Huelsman800-4821600CONTRACT

■ PDF_5060369_1_Attachment_A.pdf
■ PDF_5060369_4_Matrix_for_website.pdf
■ 2019.001896_Kimball_Pricing.pdf
■ Amend 7 (thru 4.30.2027).pdf
■ PDF_5060369_3_Index.pdf
■ NationalKimball_Surcharge_110821.pdf
■ PDF_5060369_2_Full_Contract.pdf
■ Kimball_UC_October_2022_Market_Increase_081022__002_.pdf

Douron INC50604874400002959Howard County, MD (on behalf of MAPT)Furniture (Office, School, Library, etc.), and Equipment12/31/2025Paul Glaudemans410-3632600CONTRACT

■ 4th Renewal 2022.pdf
■ PDF_5060487_3_Douron_2nd_Renewal.pdf
■ 7th Renewal 2025.pdf
■ 2015-42 MAPT FurnitureAWARDSbyBIDDER1-28-16.pdf
■ 3rd Renewal 2021.pdf
■ Award Discount - Bidder.pdf
■ 5th Renewal 2023.pdf
■ MAPT2021, CTR4400002959.PDF
■ PDF_5060487_1_Contract_Terms_(delivered_&_installed).pdf
■ PWC_Discount List.pdf
■ Award Discount - Manufacturer.pdf
■ 6th Renewal 2024.pdf

Us Dept Of Agriculture Aphis Wildlife Sv506075824-7251-8039-RAUS Department of AgricultureServices to Reduce the Presence of Birds09/30/2025Lisa Hurst804-7397739CONTRACT

■ 2024-2025 Agreement PWC Landfill 25-7251-8039-RA s3.pdf
■ 2021 Permit PWC 22-7251-8039-RA.pdf
■ PDF_5060758_10_.pdf
■ Contract Administrator Designation (003)UDSA birds.pdf
■ 2023-2024 AgreementPWC 24-7251-8039-RA s3.pdfSIGNED.pdf
■ PWC 23-7251-8039-RA signed 2022.pdf
■ PWC 21-7251-8039-RA.pdf

Unifirst Uniforms Corporation5061447040920-UFCSourcewell rormerly NJPAUniforms with Related Products and Services (Cooperative Agreement)05/22/2025Charles Fisher703-3662993CONTRACT

■ PDF_5061447_4_CAD.pdf
■ PDF_5061447_2_RFP_.pdf
■ PDF_5061447_3_Evaluation_Package.pdf
■ UniFirst 040920-Contract Extension.pdf
■ PDF_5061447_10_.pdf
■ PDF_5061447_1_Acceptance_Agreement.pdf

Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon Wireless5061612MA 152-1NASPOWireless Voice, Data, and Accessories08/11/2029Lynn Introcaso-CONTRACT

■ PDF_5061612_1_Award_Justification(4-29-19).pdf
■ PDF_5061612_5_Wireless_Local_Government_Plan_.pdf
■ PDF_5061612_4_NASPO_PA_Verizon_Final_REV_2_0a_03102020__.pdf
■ category-3-pricing-catalog.pdf
■ PDF_5061612_6_MA152-1_Verizon_Attachment_G_(1)_pdf.pdf
■ PDF_5061612_10_.pdf
■ CAD FY22 CS.pdf
■ PDF_5061612_2_Wireless_Guidance_Document__.pdf
■ category-1-pricing-catalog.pdf
■ 1715964593_91598892_Contract-MA152_Amd-8_Verizon-Wireless.pdf

Dell Marketing LP5062061VA-190822-DELLVITAComputer Hardware, Personal Computer Devices, Peripherals, and Servers02/28/2025Brad Whitlock512-7203551CONTRACT

■ PDF_5062061_2_Acceptance_Agreement.pdf
■ PDF_5062061_8_DELL_EXHIBIT_I.pdf
■ 2022 RENEWAL NOTICE (ID 9205).pdf
■ PDF_5062061_5_DELL_MOD_1.pdf
■ DELL MARKETING_CAD_Contract VA-190822-Dell_VITA_FY22 - signed.pdf
■ Dell Certificate of Insurance US _15M Umbrella.pdf
■ PDF_5062061_10_.pdf
■ PDF_5062061_7_DELL_EXHIBIT_H.pdf
■ VA-190822-DELL MODIFICATION 02 (ID 14904).pdf
■ VA-190822 Renewal Notice 2021.pdf
■ PDF_5062061_4_EXHIBIT_B-PRICING.pdf

Edwards Business Machines INC T/A Edwards Business Systems And Virginia Business Systems5062423VA-191121-VBSVITAPrint Devices and Managed Print Services11/20/2025Debora Gregg804-2707003CONTRACT

■ PDF_5062423_7_EXHIBIT_F_.pdf
■ PDF_5062423_8_EXHIBIT_G_.pdf
■ PDF_5062423_2_EXHIBIT_A__.pdf
■ PDF_5062423_6_EXHIBIT_E_.pdf
■ PDF_5062423_4_EXHIBIT_C__.pdf
■ PDF_5062423_9_EXHIBIT_H_.pdf
■ PDF_5062423_10_.pdf
■ PDF_5062423_1_A-SCOPE_.pdf
■ VA-191121-VBS MOD 2.PDF
■ PDF_5062423_5_EXHIBIT_D_.pdf
■ 2024 RENEWAL NOTICE .pdf
■ PDF_5062423_3_EXHIBIT_B__.pdf
■ PDF_5062423_10_VA-191121-VBS_.pdf

All State Auto Glass INC50624464400009509Fairfax CountyAutomotive Glass, Tinting, and Installation11/26/2025Vali Ghaderi703-6452300CONTRACT

■ PDF_5062446_5_Addendum_1.pdf
■ PDF_5062446_2_Acceptance_Agreement.pdf
■ Amendment 3.pdf
■ Signed CAD Form Allstate Auto Glass 09.05.2024.pdf
■ amendment 1.pdf
■ PDF_5062446_4_Solicitation.pdf
■ PDF_5062446_1_Notice_of_Award.pdf
■ PDF_5062446_3_Contract_Details_page.pdf
■ Amendment 2.pdf

Electronic Systems INC5062489VA-191121-ELSYVITA - Virginia Information Technologies AgencyInformation TechnologyHardware and Maintenance with Lease-Rental Options Cooperative - VITA11/20/2025Al Ford800-6536306CONTRACT

■ PDF_5062489_2_Pricing.pdf
■ PDF_5062489_3_Machine_Types_and_Services.pdf
■ VA-191121-ELSY MOD 2.PDF
■ PDF_5062489_10_.pdf
■ PDF_5062489_1_Contract.pdf

The Hon Company LLC5063124R191804Region 4 ESC - Omnia Partners - TXFurniture, Installation, and Related Services04/30/2025Government Support800-8222964CONTRACT

■ PDF_5063124_7_R191804_HON_AWD_01.pdf
■ R191804_HON_RL2.pdf
■ PDF_5063124_10_HON_Pricing_Update_R191804.pdf
■ PDF_5063124_2_Solicitation.pdf
■ R191804_HON_RL1_2022.10.28.pdf
■ PDF_5063124_8_Update_MOD_Coversheet.pdf
■ PDF_5063124_9_Contract_R191804_Matrix.pdf
■ PDF_5063124_6_Mod_request.pdf
■ PDF_5063124_1_Executive_Summary.pdf
■ PDF_5063124_3_Furniture_Installation_&_Related_Services_.pdf

Bob Barker Company INC5063176WA00034777County of Sacramento CA (OMNIA)Inmate Detention Supplies04/05/2025Talia Rosario800-3349880CONTRACT

■ Bob Barker FY22-23.pdf
■ PDF_5063176_10_.pdf
■ PDF_5063176_2_OMNIA_Contract_Pricing.pdf
■ Bob Barker Extension 10.04.2024-04.04.2025.pdf
■ PDF_5063176_1_COR.pdf
■ Bob Barker Renewal 10.4.22.pdf
■ Bob Barker Contract Extension.pdf
■ PDF_5063176_3_OMNIA_Contract_2.pdf

Luck Stone Corporation50636904400009701Fairfax CountySoils, Top Dressing, and Top Soil03/31/2025Muriel Robertson804-4766513CONTRACT

■ Acceptance Agreement.pdf
■ PDF_5063690_2_IFB_2000003082.pdf
■ PDF_5063690_3_Notice_of_Award_.pdf
■ Amendment 1.pdf

Haworth INC50637622020000606City of Charlotte, NCFurniture, Installation and Related Products and Services12/31/2025Thomas Walker616-3933611CONTRACT

■ 269-2019-105_RFP w-Addendums.pdf
■ PDF_5063762_1_CAD.pdf
■ PDF_5063762_2_Haworth_Contract_with_Omnia.pdf
■ PDF_5063762_3_Haworth_Letter_for_Price_Modern.pdf
■ Amendment 11.pdf

Hgs LLC50641904400008587County of FairfaxStorm Sewer and Drainage Maint Services (Cooperative # 4400008587)06/30/2025Bethany Whitfield909-7098428CONTRACT

■ PDF_5064190_1_CAD.pdf
■ PDF_5064190_7_Attachment_C_-_Standard_Details.pdf
■ FFX storm sewer 4400008587 Amend 10.pdf
■ PDF_5064190_5_Attachment_A_-_Specifications.pdf
■ PDF_5064190_2_IFB_-_2000002574.pdf
■ PDF_5064190_3_Notice_of_Award.pdf
■ FFX storm sewer 4400008587 amend 8.pdf
■ Amendment No. 7.pdf
■ PDF_5064190_6_Attachment_B_-_Storm_Drainage.pdf
■ PDF_5064190_4_Amendment_2.pdf
■ 5064190 Mod 3 - signed.pdf

Capital Lighting & Supply LLC DBA Capital Electric5064643UVA-AGR-MAINT-00379University of Virginia (VASCUPP)MRO Electrical Supplies03/25/2026Joe Busicchia703-4858962CONTRACT

■ Contract UVA AGR MAINT 00379 VASCUPP.pdf
■ PDF_5064643_1_Instructions_for_use_of_Contract.pdf

American Boiler INC506517321-DES-ITB-594Arlington County GovernmentPlumbing Repair Services05/31/2025Argentina Lillicotch703-9413200CONTRACT

■ American Boiler 5.2023.pdf
■ PDF_5065173_2_Contract#_21-DES-ITB-594.pdf
■ AMERICAN BOILER_21-DES-ITB-594Amendment1executed.pdf
■ AMERICAN BOILER_Addendum1.pdf
■ PDF_5065173_1_COR.pdf
■ CAD.pdf
■ AMERICAN BOILER_21-DES-ITB-594 PlumbingRepairServices_AWARD COVER.pdf
■ PDF_5065173_10_.pdf
■ 21_DES_ITB_594Amendment3signed.pdf

Software House International INC50652272018011-02Omnia Partners/City of MesaInformation Technology Solutions and Services (Omnia)09/28/2025Brian Monticue703-488-8019CONTRACT

■ PDF_5065227_10_.pdf
■ 2018011-02_Amendment_4_-_Renewal_2022_SHI_-_Final.pdf
■ SHI_Updated_Pricing.pdf
■ Omnia_Contract_2018011-02_Amendment_6_053024.docx.filled_xSlUJJq.signed.pdf
■ PDF_5065227_1_RFP.pdf

Change Healthcare LLC50653074400009801Fairfax CountyBilling for Medical Transport Services06/30/2025Tim Grant412-4984397CONTRACT

■ Fully Executed PWC Signed Change Healthcare Agreement 2021.pdf

Granicus LLC506559301-115NCPASoftware and SaaS Solutions12/31/2025Business Contracts800-3140147CONTRACT

■ PDF_5065593_10_.pdf
■ Copy of Granicus Pricing.xlsx
■ granicus.pdf
■ PDF_5065593_1_Granicus_Award_Letter.pdf
■ Granicus_4th_Year_Renewal_Letter.docx.pdf
■ CAD.pdf
■ PDF_5065593_2_RFP_-_Software_and_SaaS_Solutions.pdf

Sysusa INC5065661GS-35F-043DAGSAImplementation and Maintenance of ServiceNow Software11/11/2025Muneer Baig888-7978728CONTRACT

■ PDF_5065661_1_Acceptance_Agreement_and_Contract.pdf
■ PDF_5065661_2_GSA_Clauses.pdf
■ PDF_5065661_10_.pdf

Govdeals INC5065687012821SourceWellPayment Processing & Online Surplus Auction03/19/2025Alicia Andrews334-2743846CONTRACT

■ PDF_5065687_1_Contacts.pdf
■ PDF_5065687_10_.pdf
■ PDF_5065687_2_Contract_012821.pdf

Lowe'S Companies INC DBA Lowe'S Home Cen5066324R192006Region 4 Education Service CenterFor P-Card use only - do not create PO’s with this agreement03/31/2025  CONTRACT

■ R192006_Lowes_RL2_2023.10.27.docx.pdf
■ PDF_5066324_10_.pdf
■ PDF_5066324_1_Notice_of_Award.pdf
■ PDF_5066324_3_Award_Letter.pdf
■ R192006_Lowes_RL1_2022.10.27.docx.pdf
■ R192006_Lowes_CU4_2023_01_06.pdf
■ PDF_5066324_2_RFP.pdf

Sweeney Brothers INC DBA Msf County Services Co5066327R-BB-21019PWCSFasteners06/30/2025Rick Sweeney301-3905900CONTRACT

■ PDF_5066327_5_W9.pdf
■ PDF_5066327_3_Notice_of_Award.pdf
■ PDF_5066327_10_.pdf
■ PDF_5066327_4_Acceptance_Agreement.pdf
■ PDF_5066327_6_CAD.pdf
■ PDF_5066327_2_Addendum_1.pdf
■ PDF_5066327_1_IFB.pdf

Engineered Services INC5066332R-BB-21014-01PWCSHVAC Digital Controls Services03/31/2025Lori Frazier703-4716310BLANKET

■ PDF_5066332_7_Bid_Tab.pdf
■ PDF_5066332_5_Signed_Contract.pdf
■ Engineered Services Contact Information.pdf
■ PDF_5066332_1_Solicitation_R-BB-21014.pdf
■ PDF_5066332_4_Notice_of_Award.pdf
■ PDF_5066332_3_Addendum_2.pdf
■ PDF_5066332_2_Addendum_1.pdf
■ Contract Mod 1_R-BB-21014_HVAC Digital Controls Services.pdf

Gps Insight LLC900031-22020221-GPISourcewell, MNFleet Management Technologies with Related Software Solutions03/26/2025Rfp Gps Insight.Com866-4774321CONTRACT

■ Sourcewell Price Schedule 2021 AWARD.pdf
■ RFP and Addendums-Fleet Management 020221 7.14.21.pdf
■ GPS Insight Contract 020221 7.14.21.pdf

Avid Systems LLC900034-2216-311-RFPLW-10Arlington CountyIT Staff Augmentation11/14/2030Esther Lazar301-6511408CONTRACT

■ 515236188.pdf
■ AVID Systems_16-311-RFPLW-10_Arlington County.pdf
■ Avid_16-311-RFPLW-10_Am1.pdf

Joanna Inc DBA Gate Logic Security900036-224400010236County of Fairfax, VAAutomatic Gates Maintenance and Repair10/31/2025Patty Tinsey-Iseler7037-7634283CONTRACT

■ Joanna dba Gate Logic Modification 5 -11.01.2024-10.31.2025.pdf
■ Fairfax County Contract #4400010236.pdf
■ Gate Logic Renewal 2024.pdf
■ Gatelogic 2022.pdf
■ Gate Logic 2023.pdf

Brightly Software Inc900039-22090320-SDISourcewellPublic Administration Software11/02/2025Evan Barker919-721-3818CONTRACT

■ 090320-SDI__Dude Solutions Contract Extension.pdf
■ RFP & Addendums-090320-Public Admin. Software.pdf
■ Brightly Software - Vendor Information.pdf
■ Dude Solutions Contract 090320.pdf
■ Exhibit A - Master Subscription Agreement.pdf
■ Amendment 1 (change name).pdf
■ United States - Brightly Software (formerly Dude Solutions).pdf
■ Q-257190.pdf

Sun Management INC900042-22e521-017Montgomery CollegeIT Infrastructure Products, Software, and Services06/30/2025Bill Dunphy410-4747365CONTRACT

■ Addendum 1 e521-017 IT Infrastructure Prodcuts Softwware and Services.pdf
■ 2022 Renewal (ID 9126).pdf
■ 2024 renewal (ID 14384).pdf
■ Sun Management Award Letter RFP e521-017.pdf
■ e521-017 Contract Renewal Sun Management 2023-2024 (ID 12138).pdf
■ SUN MGMT Montgomery College-RFP-E521-017 Pricing Reponse-FIN 2021.pdf
■ Sun Management_CAD_Contract e521-017_Montgomery College_FY22 - signed.pdf

Carahsoft Technology Corporation900043-22R191902Omnia PartnersEducational Software Solutions and Services04/30/2025Jack Dixon703-8718500CONTRACT

■ Prince William County Government COI - GL.pdf
■ CAD.pdf
■ NOA.pdf
■ Carahsoft's proposal.pdf
■ R191902_Carahsoft_RL2_2023_10_27.docx.pdf
■ RFP Document.pdf
■ R191902_Carahsoft_RL1_2022_10_25.docx.pdf
■ Pricing.pdf
■ Prince William County Government COI - WC.Pdf

Innovative Emergency Management INC900045-22HP08-21Houston-GalvestonAll Hazards Preparedness, Planning, Consulting & Recovery Services07/31/2025Brad Tiffee225-9528229CONTRACT

■ Innovative-Emergency-Management.pdf
■ Extension 2- Innovative Emergency Management, Inc..pdf
■ IEM HGAC HP08-21 Contract.pdf
■ Amendment 2 contract extension-Innovative Emergency Management, Inc. HP08-21.pdf
■ Amendment 1-Innovative Emergency Management, Inc.pdf

Southern Police Equipment Co900050-22CTR031423Commonwealth of VirginiaNon - Lethal Munitions; Coop Contract #E194-7946610/18/2025Karen Ballengee703-3231855CONTRACT

■ Contract_Sothern Police - Renewal.pdf
■ Contract_Southern Police.pdf
■ EXECUTED Amendment 1 (002).pdf

Mid-Atlantic Business Communications, Inc.900058-2201-114NCPA Region 14 ESCExpress Services option for Avaya maintenance and support. Avaya12/31/2025Elise Whitehurst757-673-2213CONTRACT

■ Avaya Award Letter.pdf
■ Avaya Response.pdf
■ Avaya_4th_Year_Renewal_Letter.docx.pdf
■ RFP - Software and SaaS Solutions.pdf
■ 01-114_Avaya_RL2_2024.06.20.docx.pdf
■ Software and SaaS Solutions Evaluation.pdf

Tilley Lubricants LLC900060-229460.1Montgomery County Publish Schools, MDMotor Oil, Lubricants, Grease, and Related Items (formerly 900038-22)11/10/2025Bonney Sullivan410-5744500CONTRACT

■ 1336483.pdf

B & H Foto & Electronics Corp900062-22R201202Omnia Region 4 ESCAudio Visual Equipment, Accessories, & Services03/31/2025Elizabeth Lite212-2397500CONTRACT

■ RFP___20-12_Audio_Visual_AD2.pdf
■ R201202_B_H_RL1_2023.10.27.docx.pdf
■ RFP___20-12_Audio_Visual_AD1.pdf
■ R201202_B_H_EXS_2021_02.17.pdf
■ Award_Documents.pdf
■ Signed Contract R201202_B_H_MAD_2021_04_01.pdf
■ RFP__20-12__Audio_Visual_Equipment__Accessories___Services__2_.pdf

Alban Tire Corporation900066-224400010755Fairfax CountyNew Tires (only) [Selected items from Groups II, IV, & VII]09/30/2025Jack H571-244-5715CONTRACT

■ Amendment No. 3.pdf
■ Alban Tire Acceptance Agreement.pdf
■ Alban Tire-Addendum No. 1.pdf
■ PWC Fleet (selected items, Groups II, IV, VII).pdf
■ IFB 2000003336.pdf
■ Notice of Award.pdf

Mccarthy Tire Service Co Of Virginia INC900071-224400010756Fairfax County, VANew Tires, Tubes, and Services (Group II, Line items 10,11,17,19)09/30/2025Joe Hardcastle703-3689288BLANKET

■ Addendum No1 Contract4400010756.pdf
■ IFB Contract4400010756.pdf
■ Notice of Award Contract400010756.pdf
■ GroupII Tires for Contract4400010756.pdf
■ Acceptance Agreement Contract4400010756.pdf
■ Amendment No. 2 Contract#4400010756.pdf

Compass Group / DBA Canteen900074-2220-06-TVCounty of SpotsylvaniaVending Machine Services01/31/2026John Hakans-CONTRACT

■ CAD (ID 5992).pdf
■ Modification 2 with TV edits - fully executed.pdf
■ Mod 1 (ID 10441).pdf
■ Contract (ID 3719).pdf
■ RFP 20-06-TV (ID 3721).pdf
■ ADDENDUM NO. 1 (ID 5989).pdf
■ Compass Group Proposal (ID 3720).pdf

Darryl Debow Northern Va Preemployment900075-2220B024ACity of ManassasPRE-EMPLOYMENT AND CRIMINAL POLYGRAPH SERVICES06/03/2025Darryl Debow571-4351207CONTRACT

■ 20B024A-3 Contract Renewal No 3 executed (002).pdf
■ 900075-22 Contract Renewal No 2 - Polygraph.pdf
■ DDEBOW Contract Renewal No 1.pdf
■ 20B024A-4 Contract Renewal No 4 executed.pdf
■ 20B024A - Manassas City Polygraph Contract.pdf
■ Darryl Debow Polygraph Solicitation 20B024 -.pdf

Kustom Signals Inc900076-22CTR012784-1Commonwealth of VirginiaRadar and Lidar Equipment04/30/2025Sarah Derley913-4921400CONTRACT

■ Contract_Summary_-_Kustom_Signals_Inc_.pdf
■ Contract_-_Kustom_Signals_Inc. Renewal.pdf

Pavion Corp900077-222022049Alexander City Public SchoolsCabling and Low Voltage Systems Maintenance Services08/22/2025Tina Franklin703-6331478CONTRACT

■ Contract Amendment #2 price increase.pdf
■ Retroactive Renewal Letter 2024.pdf
■ Corbet Renewal 8.31.23.pdf

Kajeet INC900080-22021.5DAssociation of Educational Purchasing Agencies (AEPA)Mobile & Cellular Connectivity Solutions05/31/2025Kajeet Inc240-4823500CONTRACT

■ Notice of Award (ID 6148).pdf
■ AEPA 021.5-D Part A - Terms and Conditions (ID 6138).pdf
■ Certificate.pdf
■ Acceptance Agreement (ID 6147).pdf
■ Amendment 1 (ID 8808).pdf
■ aepa_021-5d_kajeet_signed_extension_letter_2024.pdf
■ DSS CAD (ID 6345).pdf
■ Part F - Pricing Schedule - Kajeet (ID 6149).xlsx
■ Amendment 2 (ID 13035).pdf

Matheny Motor Truck Company900087-22022818-EOISourcewellEmergency Vehicles, Fire Trucks, & Equipment02/10/2026Tim Allaband703-4999216CONTRACT

■ E-One Authorized Dealers.pdf
■ E-ONE RFP and Addendums-Fire Apparatus 113021.pdf

Lindsay Chevrolet900094-22101520-GNLSourcewellOEM Automotive Parts & Supplies12/15/2025Lindsay Chevrolet703-5807018CONTRACT

■ RFP & Addendums-Auto Parts 101520.pdf
■ General Motors 101520-Contract Extension.pdf
■ GM Mega fleet pricing update 8.26.21.pdf
■ Sourcewell Contract Cover 101520-GNL.pdf
■ Lindsay Chevrolet dealer - locate a dealer.pdf
■ GM Signed Contract 101520-v2.pdf

Northern Virginia Supply INC900099-224400010934Fairfax CountyAftermarket Auto Parts (Medium/Heavy Duty)12/31/2025David Meade703-3613154CONTRACT

■ Addendum No. 1 Northern VA Supply 01.17.2022.pdf
■ Amendment No 2.pdf
■ Amendment No 4.pdf
■ IFB Notice Northern VA Supply 01.07.2022.pdf
■ Acceptance Agreement Northern VA Supply 01.17.2022.pdf
■ Notice of Award Northern VA Supply 01.17.2022.pdf
■ Amendment No 3 extension.pdf

Heavy Fleet Products & Truck Service INC900101-224400010932Fairfax CountyAftermarket Auto Parts Medium Heavy Duty12/31/2025Carl Roeth703-6862000CONTRACT

■ Acceptance Agreement.pdf
■ Addendum 1.pdf
■ Addendum 2.pdf
■ IFB heavy Fleet.pdf
■ Amendment 3 Extension.pdf
■ Amendment 4.pdf
■ Notice Of Award.pdf

Howard Uniform Company900105-224600001760City of CharlottesvilleOffice Uniforms02/02/2026Manish Butani410-7273086CONTRACT

■ CPDUNIFORMS2003_OriginalSolicitation.pdf
■ Prince William Dress Uniforms Lawhead Welsh Burghart 12.2.2021.xls
■ Modification 5 - 2.3.25-2.2.26.pdf
■ CharlottesvillePD_Howard_Renewal_2022_Signed.pdf
■ Prince William PD ORDER Dress Blouse and Pants Price Quote10.19.2021.xls
■ Prince William Dress Uniforms Biggar Rice Garrity Sept 2021.xls
■ HowardUniform_CatalogLinks_Discounts.pdf
■ Howard Charlottesville PD_Mod #4 - Renewal #4_Signed.pdf
■ HowardUniform_CPD_Ratified Agreement.pdf
■ CharlottesvillePD_Mod #3 - Renewal #3 - Signed.pdf

Axon Enterprises INC900125-22010720-AXNSourcewellPublic Safety Video Surveillance Solutions (Not to be used for Body Cameras)02/21/2025Sales Operations800-9782737CONTRACT

■ Axon 010720-Amendment (ID 7019).pdf
■ RFP and Addendums-010720 Public Safety (ID 7018).pdf
■ Axon 010720-Contract Extension.pdf
■ Axon Contract 010720 (ID 7017).pdf
■ Contract Administrator Designation - Rider - Axon Enterprise (ID 7016).pdf

Justice Benefits INC900128-22ADMN2000184Chesterfield CountyOptimization of Revenue for Justice Related Programs12/01/2025Danielle Ledat800-8352164CONTRACT

■ Chesterfield JBI SCAAP 21.pdf
■ Chesterfield SCAAP Renewal 24.pdf
■ NE.01132020.Chesterfield.SCAAP.pdf
■ Renewal JBI Chesterfeld 23.pdf
■ JBI Chesterfield 2022.pdf

Johnson Truck Center LLC900132-224400009997FAIRFAX COUNTYEngines & Transmissions, Parts, Service and Warranty03/31/2025Lee Burchett703-7537002CONTRACT

■ Stone House - Johnson Truck - Contract Administration Form - 3-18-2022.pdf
■ Amendment 1 Johnson Truck FFX county.pdf
■ Johnson Truck Center Assignment- FFX.pdf
■ Johnson Truck Amendment 4.pdf
■ Solicitation IFB FFX Johnson Truck.pdf
■ Amendment 3 Johnson Truck FFX.pdf
■ Johnson Truck FFX Acceptance Agreement.pdf

Sycom Technologies LLC900138-22UVA-AGR-IT-00225-SyCoVA Higher Education CorsortiumVerkada Installation12/31/2025Michele Lempke804-5251417CONTRACT

■ Verkada RFP - FINAL (1).PDF

Apex Companies LLC900139-224400009464Fairfax CountyStormwater Management, Maintenance, and Reporting Services.04/30/2025Stacey Juran703-8981388CONTRACT

■ Apex RFP.pdf
■ NOA apex.pdf
■ Acceptance Agreement.pdf
■ Stormwater Management 900139-22.pdf

Sharp Electronics Corporation900140-22030321-secSourcewellCopiers, Printers, and Multi-Function Devices with Related Supplies, Accessories, and Services04/19/2025Arthur Rios703-2453801CONTRACT

■ Sharp Contract 030321.pdf
■ RFP and Addendums-Copiers 030321.pdf

Digital Video Group INC900141-22UCPJMU5748James Madison Univeristy (VBroadcast System for Atlantic Union Bank Center03/14/2026Bob Bush540-2728259CONTRACT

■ RFP# SCK-1067 (1).PDF
■ SKM_Contrac Renewal Letter.pdf
■ 900141-22 Digital Video Group Inc. FOIA_UCPJMU5748_RENEWAL2.PDF

Blackwood Associates, Inc900148-22UVA-AGR-IT-00277-BlackwoodUniversity of VirginiaTechnology Value-Added Resellers (Gigamon)12/31/2025Lauren Steinhardt-CONTRACT

■ RFP-UVA-00011-MW082019.pdf
■ ATCH_C_Blackwood_Pricing_(Sep_2020).xlsx
■ Blackwood_-_VHEPC_VAR_AGREEMENT.pdf
■ DataProtectionAddendum_Revised_Blackwood_Fully_Executed.pdf

Deere & Company D/B/A AG Turf Strategic Accounts Business Division900154-22031121-DACSourcewell (NJPA)Grounds Maintenance Equipment04/30/2025Becki Shadmani800-3585010CONTRACT

■ 031121-DAC - Price Information.pdf
■ Deere Contract 031121.pdf
■ RFP and Addendums-Grounds Maint. 031121.pdf

Computer Aid INC900155-22VA-210625-CAIVirginia Information Technologies AgencyIT Contingent Labor Managed Services06/24/2026Linda Bundra610-5305003CONTRACT

■ Mods 1-4 (ID 8108).pdf

Vertical Jobs Inc900159-2247QSWA19D001DGSA Federal Supply ServiceRole Players for the Police Department11/30/2028Anne Crossman-CONTRACT

■ VerticalJobsContract.pdf

Michael Manuel DBA The Hideout900161-224400011091Fairfax CountyCustom Leather Firefighting Accessories04/30/2025Cheri Manuel540-7524874CONTRACT

■ 900161-22 Michael Manuel DBA The Hideout Renewal.pdf
■ IFB Hideout.pdf
■ Hideout Notice of Award.pdf
■ Hideout Acceptance Agreement.pdf

Technology and Leasing Consultants DBA Acuity Audiovisual900165-22VA-210625-AAVState of VirginiaAudio Visual Products/Services07/06/2025Jamie Gorman571-3831932CONTRACT

■ VITA ACUITY contract VA-210625-AAV (1).PDF
■ Rider Request Form - ACUITY.pdf
■ 900165-22_VA-210625-AAV MOD 1.PDF
■ 2023 RENEWAL NOTICE 900165-22.PDF
■ 900165-22 Price List - 210625-AAV EXHIBIT B.pdf

Nokia of America Corp900179-2200318NASPOPublic Safety Communications Products, Services, and Solutions12/31/2026Peter Mccusker-CONTRACT

■ NOKIA_CAD_Contract NASPO 00318.pdf
■ 1640969810_97205948_00318 ExhibitB3-OrderingProcess.pdf
■ NASPO 00318 PWC VA #900153-22.pdf
■ Nokia Master Agreement.pdf
■ 1640744046_NASPO 00318 Nokia Product and Services Price Book December 23 2021.xlsx

Morton-Massey Inc DBA Morton's BMW Motorcycles & DBA Morton's Power Equipment900181-22E194-86423Commonwealth of VAVehicle: Police Motorcycles (BMW only)09/08/2025Jeff Massey540-8919894CONTRACT

■ Morton's BMW Documents 06.18.2022.pdf
■ E194-86423 Modifications as of 5.5.2021 (2).pdf

Gsn Group LLC DBA Pet Nutrition Center900182-224400010174Fairfax CountyPet Food, Liter, and Bedding10/14/2025David Shaw571-8824673CONTRACT

■ FairfaxCounty-Pet Nutrition Ext Oct-14-2024.pdf
■ Contract-PetNutrition.pdf
■ AcceptanceAgreement-PetNutrition.pdf
■ Amendment 2.pdf

Jdl Ventures INC DBA Jefferys Catering Co900185-234400008424County of FairfaxHome Delivered Nutrition06/30/2025Lilian Breeden703-7511286CONTRACT

■ RFP 2000003466 (ID 9039).pdf
■ Acceptance Agreement (ID 9041).pdf
■ Amendment 1 (ID 12067).pdf
■ Amendments 2-4 (ID 14267).pdf
■ Notice of Award (ID 9040).pdf

Brodart Company900189-23LVA-SUP-21-004Mid-Atlantic Library Alliance (MALIA)Library Supplies06/30/2025Tara Miller800-2338467CONTRACT

■ Brodart_Co. Renewal contract.pdf
■ Brodart-Supplies-Contract-2021-2024.pdf

Thc Enterprises INC DBA Mid-Atlantic Waste Systems900190-2322078CCity of FairfaxHeavy Duty Truck & Equipment, OEM Parts & Services08/31/2025Receivable Waste410-820-7188CONTRACT

■ IFB 22078 OEM Parts Service - Heavy Trucks Light Duty Vehicles.pdf
■ Contract 22078C Mid Atlantic Waste SIGNED.pdf

Pitney Bowes900194-23011322-PITSourcewellMailing and Postage Equipment and Technology02/28/2026Holly Austin-CONTRACT

■ Pitney Bowes Contract 011322.pdf
■ RFP & Addendums-Mailing & Postage 011322.pdf

OST Inc900199-23CFOPD-22-C-021District of ColumbiaStaff Augmentation Managed Service Provider09/30/2025Eric Moe-CONTRACT

■ Contract and Mod 1.pdf
■ Mods 23-27.pdf
■ Compass subcontractor agreement.pdf
■ OST CAD.pdf
■ RFP and Amendments.pdf
■ 22-C-021 MOD 2 (ID 9167).PDF
■ Mods 3-22.pdf

Mansfield Oil Company Of Gainesville INC900200-23CTR005751Commonwealth of VA DIVISION OF PURCHASES & SUPPLY (DPS)Fuel Services (reassigned - formerly 900142-22)01/05/2026Moc Team800-6956626CONTRACT

■ State of VA Contract Delivery Order Form- Blank.xlsx
■ E194-73737 BULK FUEL QUARLES Contract including Mods and Renewals (1).pdf
■ Quarles Assignment of Contract Executed.pdf
■ CRT005751_Mansfield_Contract_1.6.2024.pdf
■ CRT005751_Mansfield_Contract_12.18.2024.pdf
■ E194-73737 BULK FUEL QUARLES.pdf
■ CRT005751_Mansfield_Contract_1.6.2023.pdf
■ Prince William County COI Expiration 2.1.2026.pdf

Tecnaclean INC900201-234400007864Fairfax County Public SchoolsKitchen Hoods and Ducts Cleaning Services06/30/2025Jason T.Jones540-4393478CONTRACT

■ Kitchen Hoods cleaning IFB.pdf
■ Technaclean Contract.pdf
■ Amendment6_4400007864_Tecnaclean_900201-23 (002).pdf
■ 900201-23 amendment 5.pdf

Itw Food Equipment Group LLC DBA Hobart Service900204-23MA-080-20012099Orange County Public Works, CAKitchen Equipment Repair and Maintenance Services (Formerly 5059455)06/23/2025Christina Arteta973-2279265BLANKET

■ PDF_5059455_2_Attachment_B_-_Payment-Compensation.pdf
■ PDF_5059455_3_Attachment_C_-_Vendor_Clearance_Process.pdf
■ Pricing Update, Contract 900204-23 Hobart Service (2022-7-20).pdf
■ PDF_5059455_1_Attachment_A_-_Scope_of_Work.pdf

Genuine Parts Company DBA Napa Auto Parts900208-23032521-GPCSourcewellAftermarket Vehicle Parts and Supplies (formerly 900072-22)05/19/2025Mark Hardin540-7862008CONTRACT

■ Genuine Auto-RFP and Addendums-032521 Aftermarket Vehicles.pdf
■ NAPA-Genuine Parts Contract 032521.pdf
■ Genuine Auto-032521-GPC - Pricing Information.pdf

Kforce Inc900209-232023078Alexandria City Public SchoolsNon-Medical Temporary & Permanent Staffing Services09/22/2025Dennis Fulton-CONTRACT

■ Kforce- Contract Non-Medical Temporary Permanent Staffing Services.pdf
■ Renewal Letter (2024-09-09).pdf
■ ITB 7933 Non-Medical Temporary Permanent Staffing Services.pdf
■ FE Renewal Letter (2023-09-25).pdf
■ Attachment G_Bid Sheet_ACPS_ITB 7933_Kforce.pdf

Dairy Maid Dairy900212-23R-RW-22037Prince William County Public SchoolsMilk and Dairy Products07/31/2027Dwayne McMahan-CONTRACT

■ IFB - Food - Milk and Dairy Products - R-RW-22037 (ID 8998).pdf
■ MA and Pricing Schedule Attachment R-RW-22037 Food - Milk and Dairy Products - Dairy Maid Dairy (ID 8993).pdf
■ CAD Form Dairy Maid Dairy, LLC 06.15.2022 (ID 8999).pdf

Attronica900213-23VA-190822-ATROVITAPC Devices, Peripherals, Services, and Maintenance02/28/2025Kim Hall804-6776066CONTRACT

■ Exhibit G.PDF
■ Exhibit I.PDF
■ Attronica Computers Inc - COI for Prince William County, VA (2).PDF
■ Contract.PDF
■ VA-190822-ATRO MODIFICATION 02 (ID 14905).pdf
■ Exhibit A.PDF
■ Exhibit H.PDF
■ Exhibit C.XLSX

Off Duty Management900216-234400010813Fairfax CountyOff Duty Detail Software07/27/2025Rex Taylor-CONTRACT

■ Off Duty Management-4400010813.pdf
■ NOA-Off Duty Management-4400010813.pdf

Atlantic Emergency Solutions900234-2321-183-1-9239Chesapeake 04/15/2025Bruce Wilson703-3939911CONTRACT

■ Chesapeake Contract 21-183-1-9239 Atlantic Emergency Solutions, Inc. (9).pdf
■ MOD 2 21-183-1-9239 AES SIGNED.pdf

Konica Minolta Business Solutions Usa INC900244-23030321-KONSourcewellOffice Equipment: Copiers, Printers, Software, & Specialty Products04/19/2025Chris Connor703-6371509CONTRACT

■ Konica Contract 030321.pdf

Criswell Chevrolet INC DBA Criswell Chev900251-23SCON-10000667-5 (MA-4505)Baltimore County, MarylandOff-the-Lot, New and Used Vehicles through Class 7-MA0000450510/31/2025Lori Row301-2124497CONTRACT

■ Criswell MA-4505 Renewal 10-31-25.pdf
■ 900251-23 Acceptance Agreement (signed).pdf
■ Criswell Response-Request for Bid.pdf
■ Criswell-B-1560Amend1.pdf
■ Criswell-B-1560Bid.pdf
■ Criswell -Baltimore Master Agreement MA00004505 11.10.2022.pdf
■ Criswell MA-4505 Contract 10000667 11.10.2022.pdf
■ Criswell MA-4505 Renewal 3.pdf

Commonwealth Blinds And Shades INC900253-23UCPJMU6435JMUWindow Treatments10/22/2025Tasha James804-7469112CONTRACT

■ Commonwealth Blinds FOIA_UCPJMU6435_RENEWAL2 (002).pdf
■ RFP# AHK-1156.PDF

Bioethical Services Of Virginia INC900260-23720-4894VA DBHDSBioethical Consulting Servicers (Community Services Only)12/31/2025Michael Gillette434-3845322CONTRACT

■ 720-4894 Contract Modification 2 (ID 12806).pdf
■ 720-4894__Contract_Renewal_2_of_4__Modification_03.pdf
■ 720-4894 Contract Modification 1 (ID 12807).pdf
■ Bioethical Services Standard Contract (ID 9691).pdf
■ CAD.pdf
■ 720-4894 Bioethicist Solicitation 10142021 (ID 9695).docx

Rain Drop Products, LLC900262-23010521-RDPSourcewellPlayground and Waterplay Equipment with related Accessories and Services02/17/2026Holly Smith419-207-1229CONTRACT

■ Rain Drop Contract 010521.pdf
■ Rain Drop Prod. 010521-Contract Extension.pdf
■ Rain Drop cooperative - signed.pdf

SUNNYS WORLDWIDE CHAUFFEURED TRANSPORTATION900269-234400009764County of Fairfax, VAChartered Bus Services06/30/2025Lucy Diefenbach-CONTRACT

■ 900269-23 Acceptance Agreement (signed).pdf

Atlantic Diving Supply DBA Ads Operation900273-23#090122State of MinnesotaLaw Enforcement Equipment11/07/2026Eddie Marias757-4166324CONTRACT

■ ADS-Law Enforcement Equipment - Contract #090122-ADS.pdf
■ ADS-Law Enforcement Equipment - Contract #090122-ADS - Pricing.pdf

Atlantic Diving Supply DBA Ads Operation900274-23#011221State of MinnesotaBody Armor, Ballistics, and Bomb Suits02/19/2025Eddie Marias757-4166324CONTRACT

■ ADS-Body Armor Ballistics and Bomb Suits Contract #011221-ADS.pdf
■ ADS-Body Armor, Ballistics and Bomb Suits Contract #011221-ADS Pricing.pdf

Atlantic Diving Supply DBA Ads Operation900275-23#011822State of MinnesotaPublic Safety Equipment03/23/2026Eddie Marias757-4166324CONTRACT

■ ADS-Public Safety Training Equipment Contract #011822-ADS.pdf
■ ADS-Public Safety Training Equipment Contract #011822-ADS - Pricing.pdf

Mac Business Solutions Inc900282-23VA-221130-MACBVITAApple Reseller11/30/2025Sunita Tohan301-5902555CONTRACT

■ VA-221130-MACB MOD 2 (ID 13034).pdf
■ CAD (ID 10171).pdf
■ VA-221130-MACB MOD 1.pdf
■ VA-221130-MACB (1).PDF
■ VA-221130-MACB EXHIBIT B (ID 10162).XLSX

Playcore Wisconsin INC DBA Gametime900283-232017001134U.S. CommunitiesCooperative Contract for (Purchase Only, no Installation) Playground and Outdoor Fitness Equipment, Site Accessories, Surfacing, and Related Products and services06/30/2026  CONTRACT

■ RFP_Playground_Equipment (1).pdf
■ Gametime_contract_2017001134_103017 (1).pdf
■ 2017001134_Gametime_AM15_2023_12_27_Redacted.pdf
■ Contract_2017001134_Amendment_14_Redacted.pdf
■ GameTime - 2017001134-12.pdf

W W Grainger INC900284-23090122-WWGSourcewellEQUIPMENT, PRODUCTS, OR SERVICES11/07/2026Kelley Asoegwu-CONTRACT

■ Grainger Contract 090122.pdf
■ Contract 090122-WWG-Pricing Information.pdf
■ Board Resolutions.pdf
■ Prop. Opening Record-Law Enforcement Equip. 090122.pdf
■ RFP and Addendums-Law Enforcement Equip. 090122.pdf
■ Prop. Eval.-Law Enforcement Equip. 090122.pdf
■ Proof of Publication-Law Enforcement Equip. 090122.pdf

Muller, Inc.900286-232248BHenrico County Public Schools, VABest Management Practices (BMP) Services of Storm Water Facilities and Related Landscaping02/13/2026David Skellenger571-3341319CONTRACT

■ Renewal through 2026 (#2248B).pdf
■ 2248B Executed Contract.pdf
■ 900286-23 Acceptance Agreement (cooperative)(signed).pdf
■ Contract Renewal_24-25_signed.pdf
■ IFB 21-2248-11LOC Annual Contract for BMP Services of Storm Water and Facilities_Final.pdf
■ 2248B.Award Extract (2023-2024)-Muller, Inc.pdf
■ IFB21-2248-11LOC_Addendum No.1.pdf
■ Pricing (2.14.25 to 2.13.26).pdf
■ Renewal Contract #2248B (2.1.24).pdf

Trane Us INC900287-233341Racine County WisconsinHVAC Products Installation, Labor Based Solutions, and Related Products and Services08/31/2027Kevin Bradley240-3063000CONTRACT

■ Trane Contract#3341.pdf

Acme Auto Leasing LLC900294-23SCON-10001323Baltimore County MarylandVehicle Rentals and Repairs01/31/2026Erin Maturo203-2346850CONTRACT

■ Acme Auto Approved Contract 11-21-22 (002).pdf
■ Acme Auto Bid Response 2022.pdf
■ B-1741Bid.pdf
■ B-1741Amend1.pdf
■ Acme SCON-10001323 (002).pdf

Digital Video Group INC900295-23C0002291VASCUPP - VCUAudio Visual Products, Service and Maintenance06/30/2025Bob Bush540-2728259CONTRACT

■ Contract Summary Sheet_C0002291.pdf
■ 900295-23 Acceptance Agreement for Coop (signed).pdf
■ Agreement C0002291.pdf
■ C0002291_CSS.pdf

Colossal Contractors, Inc900297-234400010367Fairfax County GovernmentDoor Replacement09/30/2026Juan Navarro301-476-9060CONTRACT

■ Colossal Contractors Solicitation.pdf
■ Colossal contractors 2.pdf

Propio Language Services LLC900298-23R-SF-20015-04Prince William County Public SchoolsLanguage Services06/30/2025Cindy Mays913-6866584BLANKET

■ CONTRACT.Propio.Signed.R-SF-20015 (ID 10376).pdf

Disys Solutions INC900299-23UVA-AGR-IT-00183-DISYSUniversity of VirginiaTechnology Value-Added Resellers12/31/2025Vinu Luthra571-7073636CONTRACT

■ CAD (ID 10400).pdf
■ UVA-AGR-IT-00183-DISYS_Agreement (ID 10399).pdf
■ UVA-AGR-IT-00183-DISYS_Pricing (ID 10398).pdf

Mckesson Medical-Surgical Government Solutions LLC (Mmsgs)900301-23022422-MMLSourcewellMedical Supply Solutions04/30/2025Proposal Manager833-3432700CONTRACT

■ McKesson Contract 022422.pdf
■ RFP & Addendums_Medical Supplies 022422.pdf

Cummins Inc.900302-23092222-CMMSourcewellElectrical Energy Power Generation Equipment11/22/2026Andy Lee215-7854090CONTRACT

■ Cummins Contract 092222 (ID 10414).pdf
■ CAD (ID 10411).pdf
■ Sourcewell final pricing submission_Cummins (ID 10420).pdf
■ RFP and Addendums-Electrical Energy Power 092222 (ID 10419).pdf

4 Imprint INC900305-23UCPJMU5253SourcewellPromotional Items & Imprinting Services03/31/2025Karla Kohlmann920-2367272CONTRACT

■ Prince-William-Coun_4imprint,-Inc-_1-1-25-26-GL,-_12-20-2024_178220387_1.pdf
■ RFP#DMS-1000.PDF
■ New 4 Imprint Inc Cooperative Contract.pdf
■ 4imprint - COI - Prince William County Government.pdf

Michaels Stores INC900306-2320-SEH-020Omnia - Harford County Public SchoolsArts, Crafts, Framing, and Related Services03/31/2025William Tucker703-4919688CONTRACT

■ 20-SEH-20_Michaels_AM1_Redacted.pdf
■ 20-SEH-20_Michaels_PRC_Redacted.pdf
■ 20-SEH-20_Michaels_AM3_Redacted.pdf
■ 20-SEH-020_AWD_Michaels.pdf
■ Contract_Renewal_20-SEH-020.pdf
■ Contract_Michael.pdf
■ Michaels_RES.pdf
■ 20-SEH-020_Arts_Crafts_Framing_AD1.pdf
■ 20-SEH-020_Arts_Crafts_Framing_RFP.pdf
■ 20-SEH-020_Arts_Crafts_Framing_AD2.pdf

Lighting Maintenance INC900310-23R-DJ-19038-01PWC Public Schools, VAAerial Lighting Replacement and Repair Services10/30/2025Mike Yoder877-2797373CONTRACT

■ Renewal #1 - Lighting Maintenance.pdf
■ IFB Aerial Lighting Replacement & Repair Services - R-DJ-19032.pdf

Mamava Inc900311-2307-105Region 14 ESC (NCPA)Furniture (Lactation Pod)09/30/2025Brian Wannop802-3472111BLANKET

■ RFP - Furniture - Lactation Pod - Mamava.pdf
■ Mamava Award Letter.pdf

Mamava Inc900312-2307-105Region 14 ESC (NCPA)Furniture (Lactation Pod)09/30/2025Brian Wannop802-3472111CONTRACT

■ RFP - Furniture - Lactation Pod - Mamava.pdf
■ Mamava Award Letter.pdf

Fisher Scientific Co LLC900322-232021002889Omnia Partners, Lead Agency University of CaliforniaGeneral Lab Supplies & Distribution Services.06/30/2025Richard Simbari412-4908678CONTRACT

■ 21-1152-DST-US-AcademicOmniaFlyer-Final_070821.pdf
■ Contract No. 2021002889.pdf
■ 2021002889_Fisher_AWD_2021_2_8_Redacted.pdf

Ron Turley Associates Inc900332-23020221-RTASourcewell, MNFleet Management Technologies w/Related Software Solutions (for Consulting services ONLY)03/26/2025Jeffrey Jenkins623-581-2447CONTRACT

■ RTA 020221-RTA - Pricing.pdf
■ Opening Record-Fleet_Management_20020221.pdf
■ Ron_Turley_Contract_20020221.pdf
■ RFP_and_Addendums-Fleet_Management_20020221.pdf

Hbp INC900333-234400010345Fairfax County, VAPrinting Bindery Graphic Arts Services (for large format printing signs/banners)03/31/2026Eric Oakes800-6383508CONTRACT

■ Contract 4400010345 - Notice of Award.pdf
■ Contract 4400010345 - Acceptance Agreement.pdf
■ Hbp Ammendment 3.pdf
■ Contract 4400010345 - Acceptance Agreement (4).pdf
■ Contract 4400010345 - Amendments 1 & 2.pdf
■ Contract 4400010345 - RFP.pdf
■ Contract 4400010345 - Addendums 1-3.pdf

Dreamseat LLC900334-23220303the Interlocal Purchasing System (TIPS)Furniture, Furnishings, and Services05/31/2027Phillip Catalani631-6561066CONTRACT

■ 220303_CONTRACT_Furniture_Furnishings_Svs_DreamSea (ID 11717).pdf
■ 220303 RFP Specifications (ID 11716).pdf

Emergency Management Partners LLC900336-2323022Fairfax CityEmergency Management Planning04/12/2025Shandi Treloar804-304-4822CONTRACT

■ EM Partners Supplemental Response Final (ID 11760).pdf
■ Contract 23022 Emergency Management Planning - Signed (ID 11746).pdf
■ RFP_23022_Addendum_No.1 (need Paul's signature) (ID 11753).pdf
■ Contract Administrator Designation - Rider - City of Fairfax_23022_EM Partners (ID 11745).pdf
■ RFP_23022_Emergency_Management_Planning (ID 11747).pdf
■ RFP_23022_Addendum_No._2 (ID 11754).pdf
■ Contract 23022 Amendment #1 - SIGNED (2).pdf
■ EM Partners Proposal for RFP 23022 (ID 11752).pdf

Boland Trane Services INC DBA Boland900339-233341Racine CountyChiller Preventative Maintenance and Repair08/31/2027Amy Mildenstein240-3063069CONTRACT

■ Amendment three (3).pdf
■ Trane Contract#3341.pdf

Carter Printing Company900340-234400010350County of Fairfax, VirginiaPrinting Bindery Graphic Arts Services.03/31/2025Carol Bradley804-3599206CONTRACT

■ Contract Administrator Designation - Rider signed.pdf
■ 440000010350 Acceptance Agreement.pdf
■ RFP 2000003172.pdf
■ 440000010350 Notice of Award.pdf

Municipal Emergency Service Inc900343-2322-022-3220-SB-RCounty of StaffordFirefighter Protective Clothing and Equipment.10/18/2025Bobby Beer703-217-4938CONTRACT

■ 22-022-3220-SB-R - NOA Signed.pdf
■ Stafford_ BRRS to MES.pdf
■ Amendment 2 MES Executed.pdf

Advexure LLC900345-23011223-ADXSourcewell - State of MinnesotaUnmanned Vehicle Systems03/24/2027Travis Waibel424-317-4450CONTRACT

■ Advexure_Contract_011223.pdf
■ Advexure_Price Information.pdf

Military Environmental & Construction Corp.900352-23C20022 Weapons Range Waste Handling Services05/05/2025Julie Smith910-389-7383CONTRACT

■ 1187_001_Signed.pdf
■ Contract Administrator Designation - Rider_MEC.pdf
■ Modification_002_C20022.pdf
■ Modification_005_C20022 1.pdf
■ Modification #3 of Contract No. C20022.pdf
■ Modification_001_C20022.pdf
■ RFP_Competitive_(Non-Federal)_C20022_MTPD_Weapons_Waste_Rev4.pdf

Alboum Associates LLC900366-24699-23BuyBoardOral Interpretation and Written Translation Services.05/31/2025Sandra Alboum571-7653060CONTRACT

■ Alboum & Associates LLC.pdf
■ Contract - Alboum Translation Services 699-23.pdf
■ 4-699-23-Award-Tabulation-Report.pdf

Presidio Corporation900368-24UVA-AGR-IT-00241-PresidioUniversity of VirginiaTechnology Value-Added Resellers12/31/2025Patrick Mcmanaman202-3205538CONTRACT

■ Contract and RFP.pdf
■ CAD_Presidio_Contract_UVA-AGR-IT-00241-Presidio_VHEPC (ID 12301).pdf

PGLS LLC DBA Piedmont Global Language Solutions900371-24RFQ 5987790-ACounty of LoudounLanguage Interpretation and Translation Services06/30/2025Joshua Creson-CONTRACT

■ Contract, Solicitation, Addenda, and Successful Proposal.pdf
■ PGLS Coop CAD - signed (ID 12229).pdf

Elliott Auto Supply Co Inc dba Factory Motor Parts900373-24101520-FMPSourcewell, MNOEM Automotive Parts and Supplies12/14/2025DAVID TOBAR703-368-0168CONTRACT

■ Contract - Elliott Auto Supply.pdf
■ Vendor Details.pdf
■ Proposal Opening Records.pdf
■ Comment_Review_OEM_Auto_Parts_101520.pdf
■ Request for Proposal (RFP).pdf
■ 101520-FMP_Contract Extension.pdf

Cal Interpreting & Translations900374-2418-162-6-ITBArlington CountyAmerican Sign Language/Sign Language and Document Translation Services06/30/2025Ida Zaghi888-737-9009CONTRACT

■ 18_162_6_ITBAM1signed (ID 14121).pdf
■ 18-162-ITB Language Translation and Interpretation (ID 12242).pdf
■ 18-162-6-ITB_Cal Interpreting (ID 12243).pdf
■ 18-162-6-ITBexecuted (ID 12244).pdf
■ CAD.pdf

Cooks Correctional Kitchen Equipment900378-24#063022-COK Kitchen Equipment and Supplies08/03/2026Teri Teclaw800-9565571CONTRACT

■ RFP and Addendum-Commercial Kitchen 063022.pdf
■ Cooks Contract 063022.pdf

Robert Smith DBA Smith And Associates Pre-Employment And Polygraph Services900382-24412783County of FairfaxPolygraph Services08/31/2025Robert Smith571-2427795BLANKET

■ 508723-22.pdf
■ Contract Administrator Designation - Rider Smith Associates Signed.pdf
■ EXECUTED Loudoun RFQ 412783C Smith & Associates Amend #3.pdf
■ RFQ 412783.pdf
■ Amendment 2 Polygraph 23-24.pdf
■ Polygraph Services_Fairfax Contract.pdf
■ Notice of Award.pdf
■ Contract Administrator Designation - Rider - NEWELL - UPDATED.pdf

Network Building & Consulting, LLC900384-244400011873County of FairfaxRadio Tower Services and Inspections07/31/2028Mike Caughy443-463-2550BLANKET

■ Contract and Solicitation Docs.pdf
■ CAD_NBandC_Contract 4400011873_Fairfax County (1) (ID 12268).pdf

Equipment Specialists INC900387-2424-05-0713Virginia Sheriffs' Association (VSA)Heavy Equipment Procurement Program08/14/2025James Boghossian703-3612227CONTRACT

■ Contract Award Agreement Memo.pdf
■ 2024-2025-VSA-HE-Vendor-Directory-2024.pdf
■ Announcement IFB - Bid 24-05-0713.pdf
■ Bid-24-05-0713R-ROA-Signed.pdf
■ VSA-Heavy-Equipment-TC-2024-FINAL.pdf
■ 2024-2025-VSA-HE-Solicitation.pdf

George Petronis Enterprises INC900389-24CTR007818Commonwealth of VirginiaAmmunition Vista Outdoors (CCI, Speer, Federal, ForceOnForce) & Fiocchi03/31/2025George Petronis609-8591997CONTRACT

■ CTR007818_Contract_-_The_Gun_Shop Modification 5.pdf
■ CTR007818_Contract_-_The_Gun_Shop.pdf
■ CTR007818_Contract_Summary_-_The_Gun_Shop_3.30.2024.pdf

Dreamseat LLC900391-24220303the Interlocal Purchasing System (TIPS)Furniture, Furnishings, and Services - replacing contract# 900334-2305/31/2027Kelsey Larsen631-6561066CONTRACT

■ 220303 RFP Specifications (ID 11716).pdf
■ 220303_CONTRACT_Furniture_Furnishings_Svs_DreamSea (ID 11717).pdf
■ Coop CAD (Dreamseat LLC).pdf

ODP Business Solutions LLC900395-24010418Oakland County, MichiganOffice Supplies09/30/2026Kirby Dore-CONTRACT

■ 4758918 Renewal 2024_FINANCE DEPT PROCUREMENT_Customer 09132024.xlsx
■ Oakland County - Contract for signature - 010418 ODP Business Solutions - signed.pdf
■ FINANCE DEPT PROCUREMENT SERV_Customer Copy 09182023.xlsx
■ 010418_01 Amendment (ID 12934).pdf
■ 00292 Solicitation Terms and Conditions.pdf

Lexipol, LLC DBA Praetorian Digital Cordico The Rodgers Group CareerCert900397-24011822-LXPSourcewellPublic Safety Training and Simulation Equipment and Technology03/26/2026Customer Setup-CONTRACT

■ Lexipol Contract 011822.pdf
■ Sourcewell RFP 011822.pdf

Axon Enterprises INC900399-24092722 - AXNSourcewellConducted Energy Weapons11/21/2026Sales Operations800-9782737CONTRACT

■ Axon 092722.pdf
■ Axon RFP 092722.pdf

Anthro International Inc DBA Sitmatic900416-2411-78Region 14 ESCInstructional and Educational Resources05/01/2025Holly Graves-CONTRACT

■ RFP_Instructional_and_Educational_Resources.pdf
■ Sitmatic_Award_Letter.pdf
■ MDV Interiors Authorized Dealer.pdf
■ Contract_Anthro_dba_Sitmatic_website_Redacted.pdf

CKEPUSA, LLC900418-2423FS4Frederick County Public SchoolsKitchen and Serving Line Equipment, Smallwares, Parts, Design and/or Installation05/31/2026Ron Hansen844-826-4500CONTRACT

■ Contract Award Letter #23FS4 (1).pdf
■ 05 23FS4- BOE Recommendation - Award (1).pdf
■ 02 23FS4 - Proposal Package.pdf

Insight Public Sector Inc900426-2423-6692-03Cobb County, GATechnology Products, Solutions, and Related Services04/30/2026Team Crigler800-4674448CONTRACT

■ CAD_Insight_Contract 23-6692-03 (ID 12684).pdf
■ Prince William County, VA_2801206_Insight Enterprises, Inc (1).pdf
■ RFP 23-6692 and Addenda 1-3 (ID 12683).pdf
■ Pricing (ID 12682).pdf
■ Redacted Contract (ID 12681).pdf

Law and Order Technology LLC900427-24226017-02City of Tucson, AZMobile Computing Solutions04/21/2025Alison Moss954-281-5050CONTRACT

■ 266017-02_Panasonic_Master_PRC_2024_04 (ID 12687).pdf
■ LAO Gen Liability 2024-25.pdf
■ 226017-02_Panasonic_MAD_Redacted (ID 12686).pdf
■ RFP (ID 12685).pdf
■ Contract Administrator Designation -Law and Order Tech (ID 12688).pdf

Chesapeake Netcraftsmen900428-2447QCA23D0007General Services AdministrationInformation Technology Professional Services10/05/2027Kimbery Empie443-994-8245CONTRACT

■ Solicitation (ID 12690).pdf
■ Contract (ID 12609).pdf
■ CAD (ID 12692).pdf

Hydro-Tech Irrigation Co900430-244400012197County of Fairfax, VAIrrigation Systems: Maintenance & Repair Services (Cooperative)10/05/2028Joseph Horvath703-2632266CONTRACT

■ IFB 2000003755 Irrigation Systems Maintennace Repair and Parts.pdf
■ Hydrotech Fairfax Contract Acceptence Agrement 10.6.23 (1).pdf
■ Hydrotech Fairfax Contract 10.6.23 (1).pdf
■ Contract Administrator Designation - Rider (HydroTech) 10.24.23.pdf
■ PA_300000007773115_900430-24_0.pdf

Voiance Language Services LLC900432-2490-000-18-00003AGNAPSOLanguage Services05/03/2025Jodie Hansen520-7459447CONTRACT

■ Pricing 90-000-18-00003AG Voiance Language Services LLC.pdf
■ Contract 90-000-18-00003AG SWPA OPI and VRI - Voiance 1124.pdf
■ PA - PWC Police Dept Voiance NASPO - signed.pdf
■ Amendment 5.pdf

Language Line Services INC900435-24R210605Region 4 ESCInterpretation and Translation Services and Related Solutions12/31/2025Alisa Smith800-7526096CONTRACT

■ Language Line Contract Administrator Designation for Use of Another Public Body's Contract Signed (ID 12787).pdf
■ Renewal 1 (ID 16237).pdf
■ Contract_Redacted (ID 12794).pdf
■ RFP_21-06 (ID 12790).pdf
■ SOW (Prince William County Community Services).pdf

East Coast Emergency Vehicles LLC900444-2421-191-9239City of ChesapeakeEmergency Vehicle Uplifting (Riding Contract #21-191-9239 City of Chesapeake)05/19/2025Dawn Bazzurro732-9402211CONTRACT

■ CAD_FM_Signed.pdf
■ Havis-Master-MSRP_01-05-2024.pdf
■ CAD - DFR.pdf
■ Whelen-Automotive_List_PL24.0WL.pdf
■ Pro_gard_Products_Pricing_Jan_2024.pdf
■ Chesapeake Contract East Coast Emergency Vehicles Mod 3 Renewal.pdf
■ Emergency vehicle uplifting Chesapeake Contract 21-191-9239 East Coast Emergency Vehicles (002).pdf
■ City of Chesapeake Contract Renwal #2 2023-2024 (002).pdf

Penn Care Inc900445-24AM10-23HGAC BuyAmbulances, EMS, & Special Service Vehicles, Cooperative #AM10-23 HGAC09/30/2027Taylor Pease330-5440777CONTRACT

■ AM10-23- Solicitation.pdf
■ AM10-23 Executed Contract-PennCare.pdf

Activu Corporation900446-24RA05-21HGACRadio Communications/Emergency Response Equipment07/31/2025Micheal Westermann973-366-5550CONTRACT

■ RFP RA05-21 Radio Communications_Emergency Response Equipment.pdf
■ HGAC Activue Contract & Pricing.pdf
■ Executed Extension 2 - Activu Corporation.pdf

Cintas Corp900449-24R-BB-19002PWCSFacilities Management Products and Solutions10/31/2025Teresa Myers540-8252300CONTRACT

■ Cintas Mod 10 - PWCS Pricing File w Adjustment 2022.11.xlsx
■ RFP Document_RFP_R-BB-19002.pdf
■ 900449-24 Acceptance Agreement - signed.pdf
■ Amendment #6-R-BB-19002 (Mod 6).pdf
■ RFP Amendment-RFP_R-BB-19002_A1.pdf
■ Amendment #5-R-BB-19002 (Mod 5).pdf
■ Amendment #3-R-BB-19002 (Mod 3).pdf
■ MA-Cintas_R-BB-19002_pricing_redacted-Signed Contract.pdf
■ Amendment #7-R-BB-19002 (Mod 7).pdf
■ Amendment #8-R-BB-19002 (Mod 8) Fed.Funds.pdf
■ Amendment #4-R-BB-19002 (Mod 4).pdf
■ Amendment #2-R-BB-19002 (Mod 2).pdf
■ Amendment #1-R-BB-19002 (Mod 1).pdf
■ Contract Renewal #1-PWCS.pdf
■ Amendment #10-R-BB-19002 (Mod 10).pdf
■ Amendment #9-R-BB-19002 (Mod 9).pdf

North American Fire Equipment Inc900451-2422-022-3220-SB-RCounty of StaffordFire and Rescue Uniforms and PPE10/18/2025Brian Marmaduke804-512-9844CONTRACT

■ Amendment 1 NAFECO Executed.pdf
■ IFB 22-022-3220-SB-R.pdf

Lakeshore Parent, LLC dba Lakeshore Learning Materials, LLC900458-24R-KS-18000-08PWPSInstructional and Educational Supplies11/30/2025Jennifer Doran800-4215354CONTRACT

■ Contract.pdf
■ Renewal & Mod 1 (Lakeshore Parent) R-KS-18000-08-R1.pdf
■ Master Agreement.pdf
■ IFB.pdf

Tactical Fire Equipment LLC900459-2421-13-2953Hanover CountyFire Hose and Coupling, Hanover Cooperative contract #21-13-2953.03/31/2025Allan Macrae514-2175580CONTRACT

■ 2953SH - Mercedes Textiles Limited Fire Hose.pdf
■ 2953 - Contract.pdf
■ 2953_-_Renewal_3.pdf
■ 2953- Renewal 2.pdf

Aerosol Monitoring & Analysis INC900463-24R-DJ-22007-01PWPSEnvironmental & Industrial Hygiene Eng. Services12/31/2025Charles Ryan410-6843327CONTRACT

■ Renewal 3 - DJ-22007-01-R3.pdf
■ Renewal 2 - R-DJ-22007-01-R2 2023-2024.pdf
■ Renewal 1 w-Pricing - R-DJ-22007-01.pdf
■ RFP R-DJ-22007-DJ.pdf
■ Aerosol AA signed.pdf

Liberty Systems INC900466-24230301Dept. Texax Region 8 ESC (TIPS)Furniture, Furnishings, and Services [for use for Library Projects]05/31/2025Kim Miller800-4876421CONTRACT

■ 230301_Contract_Furniture_Liberty_Systems.pdf
■ 230301_Furniture_Furnishings_Svcs_BIDRESP.pdf
■ EDGAR Compliance Document 2020.pdf
■ Vendor profile.pdf
■ 230301_TIPS_RFP.pdf

Steelcase INC900472-24091423-STISourcewell, MNFurniture Solutions with Related Accessories and Services12/04/2026Audrey Reil616-6482836CONTRACT

■ Steelcase Contract 091423.pdf
■ RFP and Addendums-Furniture 091423.pdf
■ Prop. Opening Record-Furniture 091423.pdf

Advance Stores Company Incorporated DBA Advance Auto Parts900473-24R-LD-23013-01PWPS thru Omnia PartnersAutomotive Parts and Accessories for Light, Medium, Heavy Duty Vehicles and Related Products and Services10/31/2026Advance Auto Parts877-2805965CONTRACT

■ R-LD-23013_Advance_Auto_combined_reduced_size.pdf
■ Executive Summary.pdf
■ R-LD-23013_Advance_Auto_MA_combined_reduced_size.pdf
■ R-LD-23013_Auto_Parts_AD_1.pdf
■ RFP-R-LD-23013_Auto_Parts_final_5-18-2023.pdf

Exemplis LLC – Sit On It900474-24R191803Region 4-ESC, TXFurniture Installation and Related Services04/30/2025Emily Hanna714-9954800CONTRACT

■ Exemplis_Contract.pdf
■ Region_4_ESC_RFP___19-18_Response__Exemplis_LLC_.pdf
■ R191803_Exemplis_RL2_2023.10.26.docx.pdf
■ R191803_Exemplis_RL1_2022.10.28.docx.pdf
■ R191803_Exemplis_AWD.pdf
■ 19-18_Furniture_2019_8_15_Final.pdf
■ R191803_Exemplis_CU_2020_11_02_-Products.pdf
■ R191803_Exemplis_CU_2020.08.31.pdf

Bw Wilson Paper Company INC900476-2424-DES-ITB-430aArlington County, VAAssorted Recycled Copy and Printer Paper12/31/2025Brian Hanley800-8682868CONTRACT

■ 24-DES-ITB-430a_A2.docx.pdf
■ Contract 24-DES-ITB-430a.pdf
■ IFB 24-DES-ITB-430.pdf

Laake Enterprises Inc dba Fesco Emergenc900479-24AM10-23H-GACAmbulances, EMS & Special Service Vehicles09/30/2027Peter Laake Jr.410-3795353CONTRACT

■ Pricing_ Laake FESCO Contract FFX County01262024.pdf
■ RFP_Laake FESCO Contract FFX County01262024.pdf
■ Master Agreement_Laake FESCO Contract FFX County01262024.pdf

Smiths Detection INC900480-24GS-07F-081DAGeneral Services Administration (GSA)Hazardous Material Protective and Detective Equipment03/14/2026Kelli O'Reilly973-4969354CONTRACT

■ GSA Contract GS-07F-081DA.pdf

Johnson Controls INC900481-24070121-JHNSourcewell, MNHVAC Systems and Related Services08/12/2025Jennifer Swarey202-3085830CONTRACT

■ HVAC Sourcewell Pricing Table 070121-JHN (24).pdf
■ Johnson Controls Contract 070121.pdf
■ RFP and Adddendums-HVAC 070121.pdf


■ Contract Administrator Designation - Rider - Oct 2023.pdf
■ JMU.docx
■ RFP# AHK-1168 (1).pdf

Multiquip INC900486-24020923SourcewellPortable Construction Equipment with Related Accessories and Attachments04/20/2027Joanne Wooten310-5373700CONTRACT

■ Multiquip Contract 020923.pdf
■ Cert of Liability Insurance_Multiquip-Inc-_23-24--GL--Aut_6-26-23 thru 7-1-24_1558575596_1.pdf
■ RFP and Addendums-Portable Const. 020923.pdf

Trailer Capital USA LLC900498-2420092922Sourcewell, MNTrailers with Related Equipment, Accessories, and Services12/20/2025Chet Samuels574-444-8150CONTRACT

■ 900498-24 Acceptance Agreement w-Rep - signed.pdf
■ RFP & Addendums-Trailers_20092922.pdf
■ Comment & Review-Trailers_20092922.pdf

Suburban Propane LP900499-24CRT015024Commonwealth of VALiquified Petroleum Gas)07/30/2025Suburban Lp800-5260620CONTRACT

■ VTR015024 - Pricing_Schedule_All_Locations_FINAL.xlsx
■ CTR-15024 - Contract_Summary_Suburban.pdf
■ Contract Administrator Designation - Rider - Oct 2023 (Suburban).pdf
■ CTR015024 - Suburban Contract.pdf

Accurate Printing900501-2444000010354Fairfax CountyPrinting Bindery Graphic Arts Services03/31/2025Cristina Klucefski703-4940707CONTRACT

■ Amendment 1.pdf
■ AP_Amendment 3_2024-2025.pdf
■ Acceptance Agreement.pdf
■ Amendment 2_AP-2023.pdf
■ Notice of Award.pdf
■ RFP 4400010345 with Addendums 1-3.pdf

Tessco900506-24VA-240110-TESSVITAPublic Safety Communications Products & Related Services01/23/2026Kamyce KJ Johnson410-229-1165CONTRACT

■ Full Contract (ID 13150).pdf
■ CAD_Tessco Technologies_Contract VA-240110-TESS_VITA (1).pdf

Stryker Medical900509-244400010770FairfaxStryker ProCare Product Maintenance01/06/2027Robertson Gagnon804-4010502CONTRACT

■ Stryker_ProCare Products and Maintenance_FFX 4400010770.pdf
■ Stryker_ProCare Products and Maintenance_FFX 4400010770_NOA.pdf

Stryker Medical900511-24041823SourcewellMedical Equipment06/30/2027Robertson Gagnon804-4010502CONTRACT

■ Contract Administrator Designation - Rider - Oct 2023 (Stryker).pdf
■ RFP and Addendums-Critical Care EMS 041823.pdf
■ Stryker Sales 041823 Contract.pdf
■ Sourcewell Price List Currently Effective (1).pdf
■ Stryker Price File (1).pdf

Global Industries INC900514-24230301TIPS - Region 8 Education Service CenterFurniture, Furnishings, and Services05/31/2025Joseph Freund856-5963390CONTRACT

■ 230301_TIPS_Request_for_Proposal_(RFP).pdf
■ 230301_CONTRACT_Furniture_Global_Furniture_R.pdf

Spacesaver Systems Inc DBA Spacesaver Interiors900517-24110923-SPCSourcewell, MNPhysical Storage Systems and Equipment with Related Software and Services12/29/2025Lorena Mihill-CONTRACT

■ RFP & Addendum-Physical Storage 110923.pdf
■ Contract 110923.pdf

Fmb Laundry INC900518-24CTR005974VirginiaCommercial Washers and Dryers05/31/2025Charles Mccurdy410-6252010CONTRACT

■ FMB_Specs.pdf
■ Warranty Bond for Commercial Front Load Washer-Extractor.pdf
■ Limited Warranty for Drying Tumbler.pdf
■ CTR005974_FMB_Laundry__Inc._Contract_Summary.pdf
■ Contract Administrator Designation - Rider - FMB Laundry.pdf
■ FMB Laundry Modification CTR005974_FMB_Laundry_Contract_Summary-Final_as_of_5-31-23 (1).pdf
■ FMB Contract_Summary.pdf

Atkins North America Inc dba Faithful Gould900525-24CTR005688DEPT. GENERAL SERVICESNON PROFESSIONAL CONSTRUCTION RELATED SERVICES06/30/2026Laura Okell858-5141007CONTRACT

■ E194-91570_Atkins_North_America_Inc_Contract.pdf

SupplySource DC LLC dba reDISTRICT900527-24091423-STISourcewell, MNFurniture Solutions with Related Accessories and Services12/04/2025Erin Davison703-276-8901CONTRACT

■ 900527-24 Acceptance Agreement (signed).pdf

Full Service Glass INC900535-2421-DES-ITB-644Arlington County, VAGlass Installation, Repair, and Replacement07/31/2025Nick Kramer703-5309124CONTRACT

■ Contract 21-DES-ITB-644.pdf
■ 21-DES-ITB-644-Renewal1.pdf
■ 21-DES-ITB-644_Final.pdf
■ 21_DES_ITB_644A1.pdf
■ 21-DES-ITB-644-Renewal2.pdf

Cdw Government INC900537-24121923-CDWSourcewellTechnology Products and Services with Related Solutions02/27/2028Bid Department800-8084239CONTRACT

■ CAD_Contract Sourcewell - 121923 (ID 13739).pdf
■ CDW Contract 121923 (ID 13736).pdf
■ Sourcewell 121923-CDW Product & Services Rate Card (ID 13731).pdf

Envirogrow Lawn & Landscape Inc dba Mulch Solutions Inc.900543-2420-197-ITBArlington County, VAPlayground Surface Material07/30/2025Larry Conrad703-8768470CONTRACT

■ 20-197-ITB Contract.pdf