PWC Project Planner - Current Interner QPR Projects

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Fiscal Year 2024, Second Quarter
Complete QPR Projects

B&FP- Chinn Lib Pkg-ADA
B&FP- Ferlazzo Pkg-ADA
B&FP- WDPS Pkg Lot Reconstruct
B&G: Fire Sprinkler System Installation at Landfill Admin & Heavy Equipment Shop
BG: McCoart Complex Concrete
BG: Owens Building Structural Repairs
BG: Replacement of Capital Items in County Facilities for FY06
DOT: Dale Boulevard Sidewalk (Gideon to Ashdale Plaza)
DOT: Ashdale Avenue Sidewalk
DOT: Benita Fitzgerald Drive Sidewalk
DOT: Dale Blvd (North Side-Coles D) Kirkdale Dr. to Delaney
DOT: Dale Boulevard Crosswalk at Benita Fitzgerald Drive
DOT: Dale Boulevard Extension at Benita Fitzgerald Drive
DOT: Dale Boulevard Sidewalk - Hoadly Road to Orangewood Drive
DOT: Fuller Road/Fuller Heights Road Improvements
DOT: Glenkirk Rd. Sidewalk (Sterling Point Dr. to Linton Hall Rd.)
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